bsµqu mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw pMjvw
basanth mehalaa 5 ||
Basant, Fifth Mehl:
ijsu bolq muKu pivqu hoie ]
jis bolath mukh pavith hoe ||
Chanting His Name, one's mouth becomes pure.
ijsu ismrq inrml hY soie ]
jis simarath niramal hai soe ||
Meditating in remembrance on Him, one's reputation becomes stainless.
ijsu ArwDy jmu ikCu n khY ]
jis araadhhae jam kishh n kehai ||
Worshipping Him in adoration, one is not tortured by the Messenger of Death.
ijskI syvw sBu ikCu lhY ]1]
jis kee saevaa sabh kishh lehai ||1||
Serving Him, everything is obtained. ||1||
rwm rwm boil rwm rwm ]
raam raam bol raam raam ||
The Lord's Name - chant the Lord's Name.
iqAwghu mn ky sgl kwm ]1] rhwau ]
thiaagahu man kae sagal kaam ||1|| rehaao ||
Abandon all the desires of your mind. ||1||Pause||
ijsky Dwry Drix Akwsu ]
jis kae dhhaarae dhharan akaas ||
He is the Support of the earth and the sky.
Git Git ijskw hY pRgwsu ]
ghatt ghatt jis kaa hai pragaas ||
His Light illuminates each and every heart.
ijsu ismrq piqq punIq hoie ]
jis simarath pathith puneeth hoe ||
Meditating in remembrance on Him, even fallen sinners are sanctified;
AMq kwil iPir iPir n roie ]2]
anth kaal fir fir n roe ||2||
In the end, they will not weep and wail over and over again. ||2||
sgl Drm mih aUqm Drm ]
sagal dhharam mehi ootham dhharam ||
Among all religions, this is the ultimate religion.
krm krqUiq kY aUpir krm ]
karam karathooth kai oopar karam ||
Among all rituals and codes of conduct, this is above all.
ijs kau cwhih suir nr dyv ]
jis ko chaahehi sur nar dhaev ||
The angels, mortals and divine beings long for Him.
sMq sBw kI lghu syv ]3]
aucwrx sBw: polw bolo
santh sabhaa kee lagahu saev ||3||
To find Him, commit yourself to the service of the Society of the Saints. ||3||
Awid puriK ijsu kIAw dwnu ]
aadh purakh jis keeaa dhaan ||
One whom the Primal Lord God blesses with His bounties,
iqs kau imilAw hir inDwnu ]
this ko miliaa har nidhhaan ||
Obtains the treasure of the Lord.
iqs kI giq imiq khI n jwie ]
this kee gath mith kehee n jaae ||
His state and extent cannot be described.
nwnk jn hir hir iDAwie ]4]9]
naanak jan har har dhhiaae ||4||9||
Servant Nanak meditates on the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||9||