SGGSAng 1182Raag BasantMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

bsµqu mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw pMjvw

basanth mehalaa 5 ||

Basant, Fifth Mehl:

mn qn BIqir lwgI ipAws ]

man than bheethar laagee piaas ||

My mind and body are gripped by thirst and desire.

guir dieAwil pUrI myrI Aws ]

gur dhaeiaal pooree maeree aas ||

The Merciful Guru has fulfilled my hopes.

iklivK kwty swDsµig ]

kilavikh kaattae saadhhasang ||

In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, all my sins have been taken away.

nwmu jipE hir nwm rµig ]1]

naam japiou har naam rang ||1||

I chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord; I am in love with the Name of the Lord. ||1||

gurprswid bsµqu bnw ]

aucwrx bnw: polw bolo

gur parasaadh basanth banaa ||

By Guru's Grace, this spring of the soul has come.

crn kml ihrdY auir Dwry sdw sdw hir jsu sunw ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx sunw: polw bolo

charan kamal hiradhai our dhhaarae sadhaa sadhaa har jas sunaa ||1|| rehaao ||

I enshrine the Lord's Lotus Feet within my heart; I listen to the Lord's Praise, forever and ever. ||1||Pause||

smrQ suAwmI kwrx krx ]

aucwrx smr`Q

samarathh suaamee kaaran karan ||

Our All-powerful Lord and Master is the Doer of all, the Cause of all causes.

moih AnwQ pRB qyrI srx ]

mohi anaathh prabh thaeree saran ||

I am an orphan - I seek Your Sanctuary, God.

jIA jµq qyry AwDwir ]

jeea janth thaerae aadhhaar ||

All beings and creatures take Your Support.

kir ikrpw pRB lyih insqwir ]2]

kar kirapaa prabh laehi nisathaar ||2||

Be merciful, God, and save me. ||2||

Bv KMfn duK nws dyv ]

bhav khanddan dhukh naas dhaev ||

God is the Destroyer of fear, the Remover of pain and suffering.

suir nr muin jn qw kI syv ]

sur nar mun jan thaa kee saev ||

The angelic beings and silent sages serve Him.

Drix Akwsu jw kI klw mwih ]

dhharan akaas jaa kee kalaa maahi ||

The earth and the sky are in His Power.

qyrw dIAw siB jµq Kwih ]3]

thaeraa dheeaa sabh janth khaahi ||3||

All beings eat what You give them. ||3||

AMqrjwmI pRB dieAwl ]

antharajaamee prabh dhaeiaal ||

O Merciful God, O Searcher of hearts,

Apxy dws kau ndir inhwil ]

apanae dhaas ko nadhar nihaal ||

Please bless Your slave with Your Glance of Grace.

kir ikrpw moih dyhu dwnu ]

kar kirapaa mohi dhaehu dhaan ||

Please be kind and bless me with this gift,

jip jIvY nwnku qyro nwmu ]4]10]

jap jeevai naanak thaero naam ||4||10||

That Nanak may live in Your Name. ||4||10||