SGGSAng 355Raag AsaMahalla 123 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

kwieAw bRhmw mnu hY DoqI ]

aucwrx kWieAW; bRhmw: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

kaaeiaa brehamaa man hai dhhothee ||

Let the body be the Brahmin, and let the mind be the loin-cloth;

igAwnu jnyaU iDAwnu kus pwqI ]

aucwrx kus pwqI: v`Krw krky

giaan janaeoo dhhiaan kusapaathee ||

Let spiritual wisdom be the sacred thread, and meditation the ceremonial ring.

hir nwmw jsu jwcau nwau ]

har naamaa jas jaacho naao ||

I seek the Name of the Lord and His Praise as my cleansing bath.

gurprswdI bRhim smwau ]1]

aucwrx bRhim: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

gur parasaadhee breham samaao ||1||

By Guru's Grace, I am absorbed into God. ||1||

pWfy AYsw bRhm bIcwru ]

aucwrx bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

paanddae aisaa breham beechaar ||

O Pandit, O religious scholar, contemplate God in such a way

nwmy suic nwmo pVau nwmy cju Awcwru ]1] rhwau ]

naamae such naamo parro naamae chaj aachaar ||1|| rehaao ||

That His Name may sanctify you, that His Name may be your study, and His Name your wisdom and way of life. ||1||Pause||

bwhir jnyaU ijcru joiq hY nwil ]

baahar janaeoo jichar joth hai naal ||

The outer sacred thread is worthwhile only as long as the Divine Light is within.

DoqI itkw nwmu smwil ]

aucwrx it`kw

dhhothee ttikaa naam samaal ||

So make the remembrance of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, your loin-cloth and the ceremonial mark on your forehead.

AYQY EQY inbhI nwil ]

aithhai outhhai nibehee naal ||

Here and hereafter, the Name alone shall stand by you.

ivxu nwvY hoir krm n Bwil ]2]

vin naavai hor karam n bhaal ||2||

Do not seek any other actions, except the Name. ||2||

pUjw pRym mwieAw prjwil ]

poojaa praem maaeiaa parajaal ||

Worship the Lord in loving adoration, and burn your desire for Maya.

eyko vyKhu Avru n Bwil ]

eaeko vaekhahu avar n bhaal ||

Behold only the One Lord, and do not seek out any other.

cIn@Y qqu ggn ds duAwr ]

cheenhai thath gagan dhas dhuaar ||

Become aware of reality, in the Sky of the Tenth Gate;

hir muiK pwT pVY bIcwr ]3]

aucwrx pVY: Bwrw krky

har mukh paath parrai beechaar ||3||

Read aloud the Lord's Word, and contemplate it. ||3||

Bojnu Bwau Brmu Bau BwgY ]

bhojan bhaao bharam bho bhaagai ||

With the diet of His Love, doubt and fear depart.

pwhrUA rwCib coru n lwgY ]

paaharooaraa shhab chor n laagai ||

With the Lord as your night watchman, no thief will dare to break in.

iqlku illwit jwxY pRBu eyku ]

thilak lilaatt jaanai prabh eaek ||

Let the knowledge of the One God be the ceremonial mark on your forehead.

bUJY bRhmu AMqir ibbyku ]4]

aucwrx bU`JY; bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

boojhai breham anthar bibaek ||4||

Let the realization that God is within you be your discrimination. ||4||

AwcwrI nhI jIiqAw jwie ]

aachaaree nehee jeethiaa jaae ||

Through ritual actions, God cannot be won over;

pwT pVY nhI kImiq pwie ]

paath parrai nehee keemath paae ||

By reciting sacred scriptures, His value cannot be estimated.

Ast dsI chu Bydu n pwieAw ]

aucwrx dsI: polw bolo

asatt dhasee chahu bhaedh n paaeiaa ||

The eighteen Puraanas and the four Vedas do not know His mystery.

nwnk siqguir bRhmu idKwieAw ]5]20]

aucwrx bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

naanak sathigur breham dhikhaaeiaa ||5||20||

O Nanak, the True Guru has shown me the Lord God. ||5||20||