SGGSAng 355Raag AsaMahalla 123 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

syvku dwsu Bgqu jnu soeI ]

saevak dhaas bhagath jan soee ||

He alone is the selfless servant, slave and humble devotee,

Twkur kw dwsu gurmuiK hoeI ]

thaakur kaa dhaas guramukh hoee ||

Who as Gurmukh, becomes the slave of his Lord and Master.

ijin isir swjI iqin Puin goeI ]

jin sir saajee thin fun goee ||

He, who created the Universe, shall ultimately destroy it.

iqsu ibnu dUjw Avru n koeI ]1]

this bin dhoojaa avar n koee ||1||

Without Him, there is no other at all. ||1||

swcu nwmu gur sbid vIcwir ]

saach naam gur sabadh veechaar ||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the Gurmukh reflects upon the True Name;

gurmuiK swcy swcY drbwir ]1] rhwau ]

guramukh saachae saachai dharabaar ||1|| rehaao ||

In the True Court, he is found to be true. ||1||Pause||

scw Arju scI Ardwis ]

sachaa araj sachee aradhaas ||

The true supplication, the true prayer

mhlI Ksmu suxy swbwis ]

mehalee khasam sunae saabaas ||

- within the Mansion of His Sublime Presence, the True Lord Master hears and applauds these.

scY qKiq bulwvY soie ]

sachai thakhath bulaavai soe ||

He summons the truthful to His Heavenly Throne

dy vifAweI kry su hoie ]2]

dhae vaddiaaee karae s hoe ||2||

And bestows glorious greatness upon them; that which He wills, comes to pass. ||2||

qyrw qwxu qUhY dIbwxu ]

thaeraa thaan thoohai dheebaan ||

The Power is Yours; You are my only Support.

gur kw sbdu scu nIswxu ]

gur kaa sabadh sach neesaan ||

The Word of the Guru's Shabad is my true password.

mMny hukmu su prgtu jwie ]

mannae hukam s paragatt jaae ||

One who obeys the Hukam of the Lord's Command, goes to Him openly.

scu nIswxY Twk n pwie ]3]

sach neesaanai thaak n paae ||3||

With the password of truth, his way is not blocked. ||3||

pMifq pVih vKwxih vydu ]

panddith parrehi vakhaanehi vaedh ||

The Pandit reads and expounds on the Vedas,

AMqir vsqu n jwxih Bydu ]

anthar vasath n jaanehi bhaedh ||

But he does not know the secret of the thing within himself.

gur ibnu soJI bUJ n hoie ]

aucwrx bU`J

gur bin sojhee boojh n hoe ||

Without the Guru, understanding and realization are not obtained;

swcw riv rihAw pRBu soie ]4]

saachaa rav rehiaa prabh soe ||4||

But still God is True, pervading everywhere. ||4||

ikAw hau AwKw AwiK vKwxI ]

kiaa ho aakhaa aakh vakhaanee ||

What should I say, or speak or describe?

qUµ Awpy jwxih srb ivfwxI ]

thoon aapae jaanehi sarab viddaanee ||

Only You Yourself know, O Lord of total wonder.

nwnk eyko dru dIbwxu ]

naanak eaeko dhar dheebaan ||

Nanak takes the Support of the Door of the One God.

gurmuiK swcu qhw gudrwxu ]5]21]

guramukh saach thehaa gudharaan ||5||21||

There, at the True Door, the Gurmukhs sustain themselves. ||5||21||