Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
sweI AlKu Apwru BorI min vsY ]
aucwrx sWeI: ibMdI sihq bolo; Al`Ku
saaee alakh apaar bhoree man vasai ||
If the Invisible and Infinite Lord dwells within my mind, even for a moment,
dUKu drdu rogu mwie mYfw hBu nsY ]1]
dhookh dharadh rog maae maiddaa habh nasai ||1||
Then all my pains, troubles, and diseases vanish. ||1||
hau vM\w kurbwxu sweI Awpxy ]
aucwrx sWeI: ibMdI sihq bolo
ho vannjaa kurabaan saaee aapanae ||
I am a sacrifice to my Lord Master.
hovY Andu Gxw min qin jwpxy ]1] rhwau ]
hovai anadh ghanaa man than jaapanae ||1|| rehaao ||
Meditating on Him, a great joy wells up within my mind and body. ||1||Pause||
ibMdk gwil@ suxI scy iqsu DxI ]
bindhak gaalih sunee sachae this dhhanee ||
I have heard only a little bit of news about the True Lord Master.
sUKI hUµ suKu pwie mwie n kIm gxI ]2]
sookhee hoon sukh paae maae n keem ganee ||2||
I have obtained the peace of all peace, O my mother; I cannot estimate its worth. ||2||
nYx psµdo soie pyiK musqwk BeI ]
nain pasandho soe paekh musathaak bhee ||
He is so beautiful to my eyes; beholding Him, I have been bewitched.
mY inrguix myrI mwie Awip liV lwie leI ]3]
mai niragun maeree maae aap larr laae lee ||3||
I am worthless, O my mother; He Himself has attached me to the hem of His robe. ||3||
byd kqyb sMswr hBw hUµ bwhrw ]
baedh kathaeb sansaar habhaa hoon baaharaa ||
He is beyond the world of the Vedas, the Koran and the Bible.
nwnk kw pwiqswhu idsY jwhrw ]4]3]105]
naanak kaa paathisaahu dhisai jaaharaa ||4||3||105||
The Supreme King of Nanak is immanent and manifest. ||4||3||105||