SGGSAng 397Raag AsaMahalla 511 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

lwK Bgq AwrwDih jpqy pIau pIau ]

laakh bhagath aaraadhhehi japathae peeo peeo ||

Tens of thousands of devotees worship and adore You, chanting, “Beloved, Beloved.”

kvn jugiq mylwvau inrgux ibKeI jIau ]1]

kavan jugath maelaavo niragun bikhee jeeo ||1||

How shall You unite me, the worthless and corrupt soul, with Yourself. ||1||

qyrI tyk goivMd gupwl dieAwl pRB ]

thaeree ttaek govindh gupaal dhaeiaal prabh ||

You are my Support, O Merciful God, Lord of the Universe, Sustainer of the World.

qUµ sBnw ky nwQ qyrI isRsit sB ]1] rhwau ]

thoon sabhanaa kae naathh thaeree srisatt sabh ||1|| rehaao ||

You are the Master of all; the entire creation is Yours. ||1||Pause||

sdw shweI sMq pyKih sdw hjUir ]

sadhaa sehaaee santh paekhehi sadhaa hajoor ||

You are the constant help and support of the Saints, who behold You Ever-present.

nwm ibhUniVAw sy mrin ivsUir ivsUir ]2]

naam bihoonarriaa sae maranih visoor visoor ||2||

Those who lack the Naam, the Name of the Lord, shall die, engulfed in sorrow and pain. ||2||

dws dwsqx Bwie imitAw iqn@w gauxu ]

aucwrx dws`qx

dhaas dhaasathan bhaae mittiaa thinaa goun ||

Those servants, who lovingly perform the Lord's service, are freed from the cycle of reincarnation.

ivsirAw ijnw nwmu iqnwVw hwlu kauxu ]3]

visariaa jinhaa naam thinaarraa haal koun ||3||

What shall be the fate of those who forget the Naam? ||3||

jYsy psu hir@Awau qYsw sMswru sB ]

jaisae pas harihaaao thaisaa sansaar sabh ||

As are the cattle which have strayed, so is the entire world.

nwnk bµDn kwit imlwvhu Awip pRB ]4]4]106]

naanak bandhhan kaatt milaavahu aap prabh ||4||4||106||

O God, please cut away Nanak's bonds, and unite him with Yourself. ||4||4||106||