goNf ]
gonadd ||
jy Ehu ATsiT qIrQ n@wvY ]
jae ouhu athasath theerathh nhaavai ||
Someone may bathe at the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage,
jy Ehu duAwds islw pUjwvY ]
aucwrx duAw-ds
jae ouhu dhuaadhas silaa poojaavai ||
And worship the twelve Shiva-lingam stones,
jy Ehu kUp qtw dyvwvY ]
aucwrx qtw: polw bolo
jae ouhu koop thattaa dhaevaavai ||
And dig wells and pools,
krY inMd sB ibrQw jwvY ]1]
karai nindh sabh birathhaa jaavai ||1||
But if he indulges in slander, then all of this is useless. ||1||
swD kw inMdku kYsy qrY ]
saadhh kaa nindhak kaisae tharai ||
How can the slanderer of the Holy Saints be saved?
srpr jwnhu nrk hI prY ]1] rhwau ]
sarapar jaanahu narak hee parai ||1|| rehaao ||
Know for certain, that he shall go to hell. ||1||Pause||
jy Ehu gRhn krY kulKyiq ]
aucwrx kul-Kyiq
jae ouhu grehan karai kulakhaeth ||
Someone may bathe at Kuruk-shaytra during a solar eclipse,
ArpY nwir sIgwr smyiq ]
arapai naar seegaar samaeth ||
And give his decorated wife in offering,
sglI isMimRiq sRvnI sunY ]
sagalee sinmrith sravanee sunai ||
And listen to all the Simritees,
krY inMd kvnY nhI gunY ]2]
karai nindh kavanai nehee gunai ||2||
But if he indulges in slander, these are of no account. ||2||
jy Ehu Aink pRswd krwvY ]
jae ouhu anik prasaadh karaavai ||
Someone may give countless feasts,
BUim dwn soBw mMfip pwvY ]
bhoom dhaan sobhaa manddap paavai ||
And donate land, and build splendid buildings;
Apnw ibgwir ibrWnw sWFY ]
apanaa bigaar biraannaa saandtai ||
He may neglect his own affairs to work for others,
krY inMd bhu jonI hWFY ]3]
karai nindh bahu jonee haandtai ||3||
But if he indulges in slander, he shall wander in countless incarnations. ||3||
inMdw khw krhu sMswrw ]
nindhaa kehaa karahu sansaaraa ||
Why do you indulge in slander, O people of the world?
inMdk kw prgit pwhwrw ]
nindhak kaa paragatt paahaaraa ||
The emptiness of the slanderer is soon exposed.
inMdku soiD swiD bIcwirAw ]
nindhak sodhh saadhh beechaariaa ||
I have thought, and determined the fate of the slanderer.
khu rivdws pwpI nrik isDwirAw ]4]2]11]7]2]49] joVu ]
aucwrx rivdws: 'iv' ishwrI iv`c rhxw (ASuD: rvIdws); joVu bolnw hY
kahu ravidhaas paapee narak sidhhaariaa ||4||2||11||7||2||49|| jorr ||
Says Ravi Daas, he is a sinner; he shall go to hell. ||4||2||11||7||2||49|| Total||