SGGSAng 875Raag GaundRavidas Jio20 linesBhagat Ravidas Ji

rwgu goNf bwxI rivdws jIau kI Gru 2

aucwrx rwgu goNf bwxI rivdws jIau kI Gru dUjw, 'rivdws' ishwrI iv`c rhxw (ASuD: rvIdws)

raag gonadd baanee ravidhaas jeeo kee ghar 2

Raag Gond, The Word Of Ravi Daas Jee, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

mukµd mukµd jphu sMswr ]

mukandh mukandh japahu sansaar ||

Meditate on the Lord Mukanday, the Liberator, O people of the world.

ibnu mukµd qnu hoie Aau hwr ]

bin mukandh than hoe aouhaar ||

Without Mukanday, the body shall be reduced to ashes.

soeI mukµdu mukiq kw dwqw ]

soee mukandh mukath kaa dhaathaa ||

Mukanday is the Giver of liberation.

soeI mukµdu hmrw ipq mwqw ]1]

soee mukandh hamaraa pith maathaa ||1||

Mukanday is my father and mother. ||1||

jIvq mukµdy mrq mukµdy ]

jeevath mukandhae marath mukandhae ||

Meditate on Mukanday in life, and meditate on Mukanday in death.

qw ky syvk kau sdw Anµdy ]1] rhwau ]

thaa kae saevak ko sadhaa anandhae ||1|| rehaao ||

His servant is blissful forever. ||1||Pause||

mukµd mukµd hmwry pRwnµ ]

mukandh mukandh hamaarae praanan ||

The Lord, Mukanday, is my breath of life.

jip mukµd msqik nIswnµ ]

jap mukandh masathak neesaanan ||

Meditating on Mukanday, one's forehead will bear the Lord's insignia of approval.

syv mukµd krY bYrwgI ]

saev mukandh karai bairaagee ||

The renunciate serves Mukanday.

soeI mukµdu durbl Dnu lwDI ]2]

aucwrx dur-bl

soee mukandh dhurabal dhhan laadhhee ||2||

Mukanday is the wealth of the poor and forlorn. ||2||

eyku mukµdu krY aupkwru ]

eaek mukandh karai oupakaar ||

When the One Liberator does me a favor,

hmrw khw krY sMswru ]

hamaraa kehaa karai sansaar ||

Then what can the world do to me?

mytI jwiq hUey drbwir ]

maettee jaath hooeae dharabaar ||

Erasing my social status, I have entered His Court.

quhI mukµd jog jug qwir ]3]

aucwrx quhI: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: qUhI)

thuhee mukandh jog jug thaar ||3||

You, Mukanday, are potent throughout the four ages. ||3||

aupijE igAwnu hUAw prgws ]

oupajiou giaan hooaa paragaas ||

Spiritual wisdom has welled up, and I have been enlightened.

kir ikrpw lIny kIt dws ]

kar kirapaa leenae keett dhaas ||

In His Mercy, the Lord has made this worm His slave.

khu rivdws Ab iqRsnw cUkI ]

aucwrx rivdws: 'iv' ishwrI iv`c rhxw (ASuD: rvIdws)

kahu ravidhaas ab thrisanaa chookee ||

Says Ravi Daas, now my thirst is quenched;

jip mukµd syvw qwhU kI ]4]1]

jap mukandh saevaa thaahoo kee ||4||1||

I meditate on Mukanday the Liberator, and I serve Him. ||4||1||