SGGSAng 1239Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 47 linesGuru Angad Dev Ji

mhlw 2 ]

aucwrx mh`lw dUjw

mehalaa 2 ||

Second Mehl:

kIqw ikAw swlwhIAY kry soie swlwih ]

keethaa kiaa saalaaheeai karae soe saalaahi ||

Why praise the created being? Praise the One who created all.

nwnk eykI bwhrw dUjw dwqw nwih ]

naanak eaekee baaharaa dhoojaa dhaathaa naahi ||

O Nanak, there is no other Giver, except the One Lord.

krqw so swlwhIAY ijin kIqw Awkwru ]

karathaa so saalaaheeai jin keethaa aakaar ||

Praise the Creator Lord, who created the creation.

dwqw so swlwhIAY ij sBsY dy AwDwru ]

aucwrx sB-sY: sbµDk pwT hY

dhaathaa so saalaaheeai j sabhasai dhae aadhhaar ||

Praise the Great Giver, who gives sustenence to all.

nwnk Awip sdIv hY pUrw ijsu Bµfwru ]

naanak aap sadheev hai pooraa jis bhanddaar ||

O Nanak, the treasure of the Eternal Lord is over-flowing.

vfw kir swlwhIAY AMqu n pwrwvwru ]2]

vaddaa kar saalaaheeai anth n paaraavaar ||2||

Praise and honor the One, who has no end or limitation. ||2||