SGGSAng 1239Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 46 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


hir kw nwmu inDwnu hY syivAY suKu pweI ]

har kaa naam nidhhaan hai saeviai sukh paaee ||

The Name of the Lord is a treasure. Serving it, peace is obtained.

nwmu inrµjnu aucrW piq isau Gir jWeI ]

naam niranjan oucharaan path sio ghar jaanee ||

I chant the Name of the Immaculate Lord, so that I may go home with honor.

gurmuiK bwxI nwmu hY nwmu irdY vsweI ]

guramukh baanee naam hai naam ridhai vasaaee ||

The Word of the Gurmukh is the Naam; I enshrine the Naam within my heart.

miq pMKyrU vis hoie siqgurU iDAweˆØI ]

aucwrx m`iq

math pankhaeroo vas hoe sathiguroo dhhiaaeanaee ||

The bird of the intellect comes under one's control, by meditating on the True Guru.

nwnk Awip dieAwlu hoie nwmy ilv lweI ]4]

naanak aap dhaeiaal hoe naamae liv laaee ||4||

O Nanak, if the Lord becomes merciful, the mortal lovingly tunes in to the Naam. ||4||