isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx isrIrwgu mh`lw pMjvw
sireeraag mehalaa 5 ||
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:
imil siqgur sBu duKu gieAw hir suKu visAw min Awie ]
mil sathigur sabh dhukh gaeiaa har sukh vasiaa man aae ||
Meeting the True Guru, all my sufferings have ended, and the Peace of the Lord has come to dwell within my mind.
AMqir joiq pRgwsIAw eyksu isau ilv lwie ]
anthar joth pragaaseeaa eaekas sio liv laae ||
The Divine Light illuminates my inner being, and I am lovingly absorbed in the One.
imil swDU muKu aUjlw pUrib iliKAw pwie ]
mil saadhhoo mukh oojalaa poorab likhiaa paae ||
Meeting with the Holy Saint, my face is radiant; I have realized my pre-ordained destiny.
gux goivMd inq gwvxy inrml swcY nwie ]1]
gun govindh nith gaavanae niramal saachai naae ||1||
I constantly sing the Glories of the Lord of the Universe. Through the True Name, I have become spotlessly pure. ||1||
myry mn gur sbdI suKu hoie ]
maerae man gur sabadhee sukh hoe ||
O my mind, you shall find peace through the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
gur pUry kI cwkrI ibrQw jwie n koie ]1] rhwau ]
gur poorae kee chaakaree birathhaa jaae n koe ||1|| rehaao ||
Working for the Perfect Guru, no one goes away empty-handed. ||1||Pause||
mn kIAw ieCW pUrIAw pwieAw nwmu inDwnu ]
man keeaa eishhaan pooreeaa paaeiaa naam nidhhaan ||
The desires of the mind are fulfilled, when the Treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is obtained.
AMqrjwmI sdw sµig krxYhwru pCwnu ]
antharajaamee sadhaa sang karanaihaar pashhaan ||
The Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, is always with you; recognize Him as the Creator.
gurprswdI muKu aUjlw jip nwmu dwnu iesnwnu ]
gur parasaadhee mukh oojalaa jap naam dhaan eisanaan ||
By Guru's Grace your face shall be radiant. Chanting the Naam you shall receive the benefits of giving charity and taking cleansing baths.
kwmu kRoDu loBu ibnisAw qijAw sBu AiBmwnu ]2]
kaam krodhh lobh binasiaa thajiaa sabh abhimaan ||2||
Sexual desire, anger and greed are eliminated, and all egotistical pride is abandoned. ||2||
pwieAw lwhw lwBu nwmu pUrn hoey kwm ]
paaeiaa laahaa laabh naam pooran hoeae kaam ||
The Profit of the Naam is obtained, and all affairs are brought to fruition.
kir ikrpw pRiB myilAw dIAw Apxw nwmu ]
kar kirapaa prabh maeliaa dheeaa apanaa naam ||
In His Mercy, God unites us with Himself, and He blesses us with the Naam.
Awvx jwxw rih gieAw Awip hoAw imhrvwnu ]
aavan jaanaa rehi gaeiaa aap hoaa miharavaan ||
My comings and goings in reincarnation have come to an end; He Himself has bestowed His Mercy.
scu mhlu Gru pwieAw gur kw sbdu pCwnu ]3]
sach mehal ghar paaeiaa gur kaa sabadh pashhaan ||3||
I have obtained my home in the True Mansion of His Presence, realizing the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||3||
Bgq jnw kau rwKdw AwpxI ikrpw Dwir ]
bhagath janaa ko raakhadhaa aapanee kirapaa dhhaar ||
His humble devotees are protected and saved; He Himself showers His Blessings upon us.
hliq pliq muK aUjly swcy ky gux swir ]
halath palath mukh oojalae saachae kae gun saar ||
In this world and in the world hereafter, radiant are the faces of those who cherish and enshrine the Glories of the True Lord.
AwT phr gux swrdy rqy rµig Apwr ]
aucwrx r`qy
aath pehar gun saaradhae rathae rang apaar ||
Twenty-four hours a day, they lovingly dwell upon His Glories; they are imbued with His Infinite Love.
pwrbRhmu suK swgro nwnk sd bilhwr ]4]11]81]
aucwrx pwr-bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
paarabreham sukh saagaro naanak sadh balihaar ||4||11||81||
Nanak is forever a sacrifice to the Supreme Lord God, the Ocean of Peace. ||4||11||81||