SGGSAng 52Sri RaagMahalla 515 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 Gru 1 ]

aucwrx isrIrwgu mh`lw pMjvw Gru pihlw

sireeraag mehalaa 5 ghar 1 ||

Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl, First House:

sMq jnw imil BweIAw kitAVw jmkwlu ]

santh janaa mil bhaaeeaa kattiarraa jamakaal ||

Meeting with the humble beings, O Siblings of Destiny, the Messenger of Death is conquered.

scw swihbu min vuTw hoAw Ksmu dieAwlu ]

sachaa saahib man vuthaa hoaa khasam dhaeiaal ||

The True Lord and Master has come to dwell within my mind; my Lord and Master has become Merciful.

pUrw siqguru ByitAw ibnisAw sBu jµjwlu ]1]

pooraa sathigur bhaettiaa binasiaa sabh janjaal ||1||

Meeting with the Perfect True Guru, all my worldly entanglements have ended. ||1||

myry siqgurw hau quDu ivthu kurbwxu ]

maerae sathiguraa ho thudhh vittahu kurabaan ||

O my True Guru, I am a sacrifice to You.

qyry drsn kau bilhwrxY quis idqw AMimRq nwmu ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx id`qw

thaerae dharasan ko balihaaranai thus dhithaa anmrith naam ||1|| rehaao ||

I am a sacrifice to the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. By the Pleasure of Your Will, You have blessed me with the Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

ijn qUµ syivAw Bwau kir syeI purK sujwn ]

jin thoon saeviaa bhaao kar saeee purakh sujaan ||

Those who have served You with love are truly wise.

iqnw ipCY CutIAY ijn AMdir nwmu inDwnu ]

thinaa pishhai shhutteeai jin andhar naam nidhhaan ||

Those who have the Treasure of the Naam within emancipate others as well as themselves.

gur jyvfu dwqw ko nhI ijin idqw Awqm dwnu ]2]

aucwrx id`qw

gur jaevadd dhaathaa ko nehee jin dhithaa aatham dhaan ||2||

There is no other Giver as great as the Guru, who has given the gift of the soul. ||2||

Awey sy prvwxu hih ijn guru imilAw suBwie ]

aucwrx suBwie: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

aaeae sae paravaan hehi jin gur miliaa subhaae ||

Blessed and acclaimed is the coming of those who have met the Guru with loving faith.

scy syqI riqAw drgh bYsxu jwie ]

aucwrx r`iqAw

sachae saethee rathiaa dharageh baisan jaae ||

Attuned to the True One, you shall obtain a place of honor in the Court of the Lord.

krqy hiQ vifAweIAw pUrib iliKAw pwie ]3]

aucwrx vifAweIAw: ibMdI rihq bolo

karathae hathh vaddiaaeeaa poorab likhiaa paae ||3||

Greatness is in the Hands of the Creator; it is obtained by pre-ordained destiny. ||3||

scu krqw scu krxhwru scu swihbu scu tyk ]

sach karathaa sach karanehaar sach saahib sach ttaek ||

True is the Creator, True is the Doer. True is our Lord and Master, and True is His Support.

sco scu vKwxIAY sco buiD ibbyk ]

sacho sach vakhaaneeai sacho budhh bibaek ||

So speak the Truest of the True. Through the True One, an intuitive and discerning mind is obtained.

srb inrµqir riv rihAw jip nwnk jIvY eyk ]4]28]98]

sarab niranthar rav rehiaa jap naanak jeevai eaek ||4||28||98||

Nanak lives by chanting and meditating on the One, who is pervading within and contained amongst all. ||4||28||98||