SGGSAng 52Sri RaagMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx isrIrwgu mh`lw pMjvw

sireeraag mehalaa 5 ||

Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

guru prmysuru pUjIAY min qin lwie ipAwru ]

gur paramaesur poojeeai man than laae piaar ||

Worship the Guru, the Transcendent Lord, with your mind and body attuned to love.

siqguru dwqw jIA kw sBsY dyie ADwru ]

aucwrx sB-sY: sbµDk pwT hY

sathigur dhaathaa jeea kaa sabhasai dhaee adhhaar ||

The True Guru is the Giver of the soul; He gives Support to all.

siqgur bcn kmwvxy scw eyhu vIcwru ]

sathigur bachan kamaavanae sachaa eaehu veechaar ||

Act according to the Instructions of the True Guru; this is the true philosophy.

ibnu swDU sµgiq riqAw mwieAw mohu sBu Cwru ]1]

aucwrx r`iqAw

bin saadhhoo sangath rathiaa maaeiaa mohu sabh shhaar ||1||

Without being attuned to the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, all attachment to Maya is just dust. ||1||

myry swjn hir hir nwmu smwil ]

maerae saajan har har naam samaal ||

O my friend, reflect upon the Name of the Lord, Har, Har

swDU sµgiq min vsY pUrn hovY Gwl ]1] rhwau ]

saadhhoo sangath man vasai pooran hovai ghaal ||1|| rehaao ||

. In the Saadh Sangat, He dwells within the mind, and one's works are brought to perfect fruition. ||1||Pause||

guru smrQu Apwru guru vfBwgI drsnu hoie ]

gur samarathh apaar gur vaddabhaagee dharasan hoe ||

The Guru is All-powerful, the Guru is Infinite. By great good fortune, the Blessed Vision of His Darshan is obtained.

guru Agocru inrmlw gur jyvfu Avru n koie ]

gur agochar niramalaa gur jaevadd avar n koe ||

The Guru is Imperceptible, Immaculate and Pure. There is no other as great as the Guru.

guru krqw guru krxhwru gurmuiK scI soie ]

gur karathaa gur karanehaar guramukh sachee soe ||

The Guru is the Creator, the Guru is the Doer. The Gurmukh obtains true glory.

gur qy bwhir ikCu nhI guru kIqw loVy su hoie ]2]

gur thae baahar kishh nehee gur keethaa lorrae s hoe ||2||

Nothing is beyond the Guru; whatever He wishes comes to pass. ||2||

guru qIrQu guru pwrjwqu guru mnsw pUrxhwru ]

gur theerathh gur paarajaath gur manasaa pooranehaar ||

The Guru is the Sacred Shrine of Pilgrimage, the Guru is the Wish-fulfilling Elysian Tree.

guru dwqw hir nwmu dyie auDrY sBu sMswru ]

gur dhaathaa har naam dhaee oudhharai sabh sansaar ||

The Guru is the Fulfiller of the desires of the mind. The Guru is the Giver of the Name of the Lord, by which all the world is saved.

guru smrQu guru inrµkwru guru aUcw Agm Apwru ]

gur samarathh gur nirankaar gur oochaa agam apaar ||

The Guru is All-powerful, the Guru is Formless; the Guru is Lofty, Inaccessible and Infinite.

gur kI mihmw Agm hY ikAw kQY kQnhwru ]3]

gur kee mehimaa agam hai kiaa kathhae kathhanehaar ||3||

The Praise of the Guru is so sublime-what can any speaker say? ||3||

ijqVy Pl min bwCIAih iqqVy siqgur pwis ]

jitharrae fal man baashheeahi thitharrae sathigur paas ||

All the rewards which the mind desires are with the True Guru.

pUrb ilKy pwvxy swcu nwmu dy rwis ]

poorab likhae paavanae saach naam dhae raas ||

One whose destiny is so pre-ordained, obtains the Wealth of the True Name.

siqgur srxI AwieAW bwhuiV nhI ibnwsu ]

sathigur saranee aaeiaaan baahurr nehee binaas ||

Entering the Sanctuary of the True Guru, you shall never die again.

hir nwnk kdy n ivsrau eyhu jIau ipMfu qyrw swsu ]4]29]99]

har naanak kadhae n visaro eaehu jeeo pindd thaeraa saas ||4||29||99||

Nanak: may I never forget You, Lord. This soul, body and breath are Yours. ||4||29||99||