SGGSAng 369Raag AsaMahalla 47 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

AwswvrI mhlw 4 ]

aucwrx Awswv-rI mh`lw cauQw

aasaavaree mehalaa 4 ||

Aasaavaree, Fourth Mehl:

mweI moro pRIqmu rwmu bqwvhu rI mweI ]

maaee moro preetham raam bathaavahu ree maaee ||

O mother, my mother, tell me about my Beloved Lord.

hau hir ibnu iKnu plu rih n skau jYsy krhlu byil rIJweI ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx kr-hlu: polw bolo

ho har bin khin pal rehi n sako jaisae karehal bael reejhaaee ||1|| rehaao ||

Without the Lord, I cannot live for a moment, even an instant; I love Him, like the camel loves the vine. ||1||Pause||

hmrw mnu bYrwg ibrkqu BieE hir drsn mIq kY qweI ]

aucwrx ib-rkqu

hamaraa man bairaag birakath bhaeiou har dharasan meeth kai thaaee ||

My mind has become sad and distant, longing for the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, my Friend.

jYsy Ail kmlw ibnu rih n skY qYsy moih hir ibnu rhnu n jweI ]1]

jaisae al kamalaa bin rehi n sakai thaisae mohi har bin rehan n jaaee ||1||

As the bumblebee cannot live without the lotus, I cannot live without the Lord. ||1||

rwKu srix jgdIsur ipAwry moih srDw pUir hir gusweI ]

raakh saran jagadheesur piaarae mohi saradhhaa poor har gusaaee ||

Keep me under Your Protection, O Beloved Master of the Universe; fulfill my faith, O Lord of the World.

jn nwnk kY min Andu hoq hY hir drsnu inmK idKweI ]2]39]13]15]67]

jan naanak kai man anadh hoth hai har dharasan nimakh dhikhaaee ||2||39||13||15||67||

Servant Nanak's mind is filled with bliss, when he beholds the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, even for an instant. ||2||39||13||15||67||