Bhai Gurdas JiAng 27Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 277 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

14: gurU nwl pRIq dw rUp

Nature of the Love of Sikh with Guru

drsnu dyiK pqMg ijau joqI joiq smwvY ]

darasanu daykhi patang jiu jotee joti samaavai.

Beholding the flame (of the lamp), as the moth mingles with the flame and

sbd suriq ilv imrg ijau Anhd ilv lwvY ]

sabad surati liv mirag jiu anahad liv laavai.

Deer absorbs its consciousness in the melodious Word, likewise in the river of holy congregation,

swDsMgiq ivic mInu hoie gurmiq suK pwvY ]

saadhasangati vichi meenu hoi guramati soukh paavai.

The Sikh becoming fish and adopting the way of the wisdom of the Guru, enjoys the life.

crx kvl iciq Bvru hoie suK rYix ivhwvY ]

charan kaval vichi bhavaru hoi soukh raini vihaavai.

By becoming black bee of the lotus feet (of the Lord), the Sikh spends his night ecstatically.

gur aupdysu n ivsrY bwbIhw iDAwvY ]

gur oupadays n visarai baabeehaa dhiaavai.

He never forgets the teaching of the Guru and repeats it as the rainbird does in the rainy season.

pIr murIdW iprhVI duibDw nw suKwvY ]14]

peer mureedaan piraharhee doubidhaa naa soukhaavai ||14||

The love between the Guru and the disciple is such that they do not like the sense of duality.