Bhai Gurdas JiAng 27Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 277 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

15: gurU srb qoN smr`Q hY

The Guru is all powerful

dwqw Ehu n mMgIAY iPir mMgix jweIAY ]

daataa aohu n mangeeai dhiri mangani jaaeeai.

Ask not for a giver from whom you shall have to appeal to another

hoCw swhu n kIceI iPir pCoqweIAY ]

hochhaa saahu n keechaee dhiri pachhotaaeeai.

Employ not a brusque banker who will afterwords make you repent.

swihbu Ehu n syvIAY jm fMfu shweIAY ]

saahibu aohu n sayveeai jam dandu sahaaeeai.

Serve not such a master as will render you liable to death's punishment.

haumY rogu n kteI Ehu vYdu n lweIAY ]

haoumai rogu n kataee aohu vaidu n laaeeai.

Engage not a physician who cannot cure the malady of pride.

durmiq mYlu n auqrY ikauN qIriQ nweIAY ]

duramati mailu n outarai kiu teeradi naaeeai.

What is the use of bathing the body at the places of pilgrimages if the filth of evil inclinations is not cleansed.

pIr murIdW iprhVI suK shij smweIAY ]

peer mureedaan piraharhee soukh sahaji samaaeeai ||15||

The love between the Guru and the disciples brings happiness and composure.