AwswvrI mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awswv-rI mh`lw pMjvw
aasaavaree mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaavaree, Fifth Mehl:
kwrn krn qUµ hW ]
kaaran karan thoon haan ||
You are the Creator, the Cause of causes.
Avru nw suJY mUM hW ]
avar naa sujhai moon haan ||
I cannot think of any other.
krih su hoeIAY hW ]
karehi s hoeeai haan ||
Whatever You do, comes to pass.
shij suiK soeIAY hW ]
sehaj sukh soeeai haan ||
I sleep in peace and poise.
DIrj min Bey hW ]
dhheeraj man bheae haan ||
My mind has become patient,
pRB kY dir pey myry mnw ]1] rhwau ]
prabh kai dhar peae maerae manaa ||1|| rehaao ||
Since I fell at God's Door, O my mind. ||1||Pause||
swDU sµgmy hW ]
saadhhoo sangamae haan ||
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy,
pUrn sµjmy hW ]
pooran sanjamae haan ||
I gained perfect control over my senses.
jb qy Cuty Awp hW ]
jab thae shhuttae aap haan ||
Ever since I rid myself of my self-conceit,
qb qy imty qwp hW ]
thab thae mittae thaap haan ||
My sufferings have ended.
ikrpw DwrIAw hW ]
kirapaa dhhaareeaa haan ||
He has showered His Mercy upon me.
piq rKu bnvwrIAw myry mnw ]1]
path rakh banavaareeaa maerae manaa ||1||
The Creator Lord has preserved my honor, O my mind. ||1||
iehu suKu jwnIAY hW ]
eihu sukh jaaneeai haan ||
Know that this is the only peace;
hir kry su mwnIAY hW ]
har karae s maaneeai haan ||
Accept whatever the Lord does.
mMdw nwih koie hW ]
mandhaa naahi koe haan ||
No one is bad.
sMq kI ryn hoie hW ]
santh kee raen hoe haan ||
Become the dust of the Feet of the Saints.
Awpy ijsu rKY hW ]
aapae jis rakhai haan ||
He Himself preserves those
hir AMimRqu so cKY myry mnw ]2]
aucwrx c`KY
har anmrith so chakhai maerae manaa ||2||
Who taste the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord, O my mind. ||2||
ijs kw nwih koie hW ]
jis kaa naahi koe haan ||
One who has no one to call his own
iqskw pRBU soie hW ]
this kaa prabhoo soe haan ||
God belongs to him.
AMqrgiq buJY hW ]
aucwrx bu`JY
antharagath bujhai haan ||
God knows the state of our innermost being.
sBu ikCu iqsu suJY hW ]
sabh kishh this sujhai haan ||
He knows everything.
piqq auDwir lyhu hW ]
pathith oudhhaar laehu haan ||
Please, Lord, save the sinners.
nwnk Ardwis eyhu myry mnw ]3]6]162]
naanak aradhaas eaehu maerae manaa ||3||6||162||
This is Nanak's prayer, O my mind. ||3||6||162||