mwrU mhlw 5 Gru 6 dupdy
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pMjvw Gru Cyvw du-pdy
maaroo mehalaa 5 ghar 6 dhupadhae
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl, Sixth House, Du-Padas:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Coif sgl isAwxpw imil swD iqAwig gumwnu ]
shhodd sagal siaanapaa mil saadhh thiaag gumaan ||
Abandon all your clever tricks; meet with the Holy, and renounce your egotistical pride.
Avru sBu ikCu imiQAw rsnw rwm rwm vKwnu ]1]
avar sabh kishh mithhiaa rasanaa raam raam vakhaan ||1||
Everything else is false; with your tongue, chant the Name of the Lord, Raam, Raam. ||1||
myry mn krn suix hir nwmu ]
maerae man karan sun har naam ||
O my mind, with your ears, listen to the Name of the Lord.
imtih AG qyry jnm jnm ky kvnu bpuro jwmu ]1] rhwau ]
mittehi agh thaerae janam janam kae kavan bapuro jaam ||1|| rehaao ||
The sins of your many past lifetimes shall be washed away; then, what can the wretched Messenger of Death do to you? ||1||Pause||
dUK dIn n Bau ibAwpY imlY suK ibsRwmu ]
dhookh dheen n bho biaapai milai sukh bisraam ||
Pain, poverty and fear shall not afflict you, and you shall find peace and pleasure.
gurpRswid nwnku bKwnY hir Bjnu qqu igAwnu ]2]1]24]
aucwrx Bjnu: polw bolo
gur prasaadh naanak bakhaanai har bhajan thath giaan ||2||1||24||
By Guru's Grace, Nanak speaks; meditation on the Lord is the essence of spiritual wisdom. ||2||1||24||