SGGSAng 1104Raag MaruKabir Jio Ki8 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

dyhI gwvw jIau Dr mhqau bsih pMc ikrswnw ]

aucwrx mh-qau

dhaehee gaavaa jeeo dhhar mehatho basehi panch kirasaanaa ||

The body is a village, and the soul is the owner and farmer; the five farm-hands live there.

nYnU nktU sRvnU rs piq ieMdRI kihAw n mwnw ]1]

aucwrx nk-tU

nainoo nakattoo sravanoo rasapath eindhree kehiaa n maanaa ||1||

The eyes, nose, ears, tongue and sensory organs of touch do not obey any order. ||1||

bwbw Ab n bsau ieh gwau ]

baabaa ab n baso eih gaao ||

O father, now I shall not live in this village.

GrI GrI kw lyKw mwgY kwieQu cyqU nwau ]1] rhwau ]

gharee gharee kaa laekhaa maagai kaaeithh chaethoo naao ||1|| rehaao ||

The accountants summoned Chitar and Gupat, the recording scribes of the conscious and the unconscious, to ask for an account of each and every moment. ||1||Pause||

Drmrwie jb lyKw mwgY bwkI inksI BwrI ]

dhharam raae jab laekhaa maagai baakee nikasee bhaaree ||

When the Righteous Judge of Dharma calls for my account, there shall be a very heavy balance against me.

pMc ikRswn vw Bwig gey lY bwiDE jIau drbwrI ]2]

panch kirasaanavaa bhaag geae lai baadhhiou jeeo dharabaaree ||2||

The five farm-hands shall then run away, and the bailiff shall arrest the soul. ||2||

khY kbIru sunhu ry sMqhu Kyq hI krhu inbyrw ]

kehai kabeer sunahu rae santhahu khaeth hee karahu nibaeraa ||

Says Kabeer, listen, O Saints: settle your accounts in this farm.

Ab kI bwr bKis bµdy kau bhuir n Baujil Pyrw ]3]7]

ab kee baar bakhas bandhae ko bahur n bhoujal faeraa ||3||7||

O Lord, please forgive Your slave now, in this life, so that he may not have to return again to this terrifying world-ocean. ||3||7||