SGGSAng 1104Raag MaruKabir Jio Ki18 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

rwgu mwrU bwxI kbIr jIau kI

raag maaroo baanee kabeer jeeo kee

Raag Maaroo, The Word Of Kabeer Jee:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

AnBau iknY n dyiKAw bYrwgIAVy ]

aucwrx An-Bau: 'B' dI ApnI Avwj; bY-rwgIAVy

anabho kinai n dhaekhiaa bairaageearrae ||

No one has seen the Fearless Lord, O renunciate.

ibnu BY AnBau hoie vxw hµbY ]1]

aucwrx An-Bau: 'B' dI ApnI Avwj

bin bhai anabho hoe vanaahanbai ||1||

Without the Fear of God, how can the Fearless Lord be obtained? ||1||

shu hdUir dyKY qW Bau pvY bYrwgIAVy ]

aucwrx bY-rwgIAVy

sahu hadhoor dhaekhai thaan bho pavai bairaageearrae ||

If one sees the Presence of his Husband Lord near at hand, then he feels the Fear of God, O renunciate.

hukmY bUJY q inrBau hoie vxw hµbY ]2]

aucwrx bU`JY

hukamai boojhai th nirabho hoe vanaahanbai ||2||

If he realizes the Hukam of the Lord's Command, then he becomes fearless. ||2||

hir pwKMfu n kIjeI bYrwgIAVy ]

aucwrx bY-rwgIAVy

har paakhandd n keejee bairaageearrae ||

Don't practice hypocrisy with the Lord, O renunciate!

pwKMif rqw sBu loku vxw hµbY ]3]

aucwrx r`qw

paakhandd rathaa sabh lok vanaahanbai ||3||

The whole world is filled with hypocrisy. ||3||

iqRsnw pwsu n CofeI bYrwgIAVy ]

aucwrx bY-rwgIAVy

thrisanaa paas n shhoddee bairaageearrae ||

Thirst and desire do not just go away, O renunciate.

mmqw jwilAw ipMfu vxw hµbY ]4]

aucwrx jwilAw: polw bolo

mamathaa jaaliaa pindd vanaahanbai ||4||

The body is burning in the fire of worldly love and attachment. ||4||

icMqw jwil qnu jwilAw bYrwgIAVy ]

aucwrx jwilAw: polw bolo; bY-rwgIAVy

chinthaa jaal than jaaliaa bairaageearrae ||

Anxiety is burned, and the body is burned, O renunciate,

jy mnu imrqku hoie vxw hµbY ]5]

jae man mirathak hoe vanaahanbai ||5||

Only if one lets his mind become dead. ||5||

siqgur ibnu bYrwgu n hoveI bYrwgIAVy ]

aucwrx bY-rwgIAVy

sathigur bin bairaag n hovee bairaageearrae ||

Without the True Guru, there can be no renunciation,

jy locY sBu koie vxw hµbY ]6]

jae lochai sabh koe vanaahanbai ||6||

Even though all the people may wish for it. ||6||

krmu hovY siqguru imlY bYrwgIAVy ]

aucwrx bY-rwgIAVy

karam hovai sathigur milai bairaageearrae ||

When God grants His Grace, one meets the True Guru, O renunciate,

shjy pwvY soie vxw hµbY ]7]

sehajae paavai soe vanaahanbai ||7||

And automatically, intuitively finds that Lord. ||7||

khu kbIr iek bynqI bYrwgIAVy ]

aucwrx bY-rwgIAVy

kahu kabeer eik baenathee bairaageearrae ||

Says Kabeer, I offer this one prayer, O renunciate.

mokau Baujlu pwir auqwir vxw hµbY ]8]1]8]

mo ko bhoujal paar outhaar vanaahanbai ||8||1||8||

Carry me across the terrifying world-ocean. ||8||1||8||