SGGSAng 1244Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 46 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


sqsµgiq nwmu inDwnu hY ijQhu hir pwieAw ]

sathasangath naam nidhhaan hai jithhahu har paaeiaa ||

The treasure of the Name is in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation. There, the Lord is found.

gurprswdI Git cwnxw Awn@yru gvwieAw ]

gur parasaadhee ghatt chaananaa aanhaer gavaaeiaa ||

By Guru's Grace, the heart is illumined, and darkness is dispelled.

lohw pwris BytIAY kMcnu hoie AwieAw ]

lohaa paaras bhaetteeai kanchan hoe aaeiaa ||

Iron is transformed into gold, when it touches the Philosopher's Stone.

nwnk siqguir imilAY nwau pweIAY imil nwmu iDAwieAw ]

naanak sathigur miliai naao paaeeai mil naam dhhiaaeiaa ||

O Nanak, meeting with the True Guru, the Name is obtained. Meeting Him, the mortal meditates on the Name.

ijn@ kY poqY puMnu hY iqn@I drsnu pwieAw ]19]

jinh kai pothai punn hai thinhee dharasan paaeiaa ||19||

Those who have virtue as their treasure, obtain the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||19||