SGGSAng 1244Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 45 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

1 ]

aucwrx mh`lw pihlw

ma 1 ||

First Mehl:

sUrju cVY ivjoig sBsY GtY Awrjw ]

aucwrx sB-sY: sbµDk pwT hY; GtY: polw bolo

sooraj charrai vijog sabhasai ghattai aarajaa ||

The sun rises and sets, and the lives of all run out.

qnu mnu rqw Boig koeI hwrY ko ijxY ]

aucwrx r`qw

than man rathaa bhog koee haarai ko jinai ||

The mind and body experience pleasures; one loses, and another wins.

sBu ko BirAw PUik AwKix khix n Qµm@IAY ]

sabh ko bhariaa fook aakhan kehan n thhanmheeai ||

Everyone is puffed up with pride; even after they are spoken to, they do not stop.

nwnk vyKY Awip PUk kFwey Fih pvY ]2]

naanak vaekhai aap fook kadtaaeae dtehi pavai ||2||

O Nanak, the Lord Himself sees all; when He takes the air out of the balloon, the body falls. ||2||