SGGSAng 97Raag MajhMahalla 513 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

rwgu mwJ mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx rwgu mwJ mh`lw pMjvw

raag maajh mehalaa 5 ||

Raag Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

sw ruiq suhwvI ijqu quDu smwlI ]

aucwrx ru`iq

saa ruth suhaavee jith thudhh samaalee ||

Sweet is that season when I remember You.

so kMmu suhylw jo qyrI GwlI ]

so kanm suhaelaa jo thaeree ghaalee ||

Sublime is that work which is done for You.

so irdw suhylw ijqu irdY qUµ vuTw sBnw ky dwqwrw jIau ]1]

so ridhaa suhaelaa jith ridhai thoon vuthaa sabhanaa kae dhaathaaraa jeeo ||1||

Blessed is that heart in which You dwell, O Giver of all. ||1||

qUµ swJw swihbu bwpu hmwrw ]

thoon saajhaa saahib baap hamaaraa ||

You are the Universal Father of all, O my Lord and Master.

nauiniD qyrY AKut Bµfwrw ]

aucwrx nau-in`iD

no nidhh thaerai akhutt bhanddaaraa ||

Your nine treasures are an inexhaustible storehouse.

ijsu qUµ dyih su iqRpiq AGwvY soeI Bgqu qumwrw jIau ]2]

jis thoon dhaehi s thripath aghaavai soee bhagath thumaaraa jeeo ||2||

Those unto whom You give are satisfied and fulfilled; they become Your devotees, Lord. ||2||

sBu ko AwsY qyrI bYTw ]

sabh ko aasai thaeree baithaa ||

All place their hopes in You.

Gt Gt AMqir qUµhY vuTw ]

ghatt ghatt anthar thoonhai vuthaa ||

You dwell deep within each and every heart.

sBy swJIvwl sdwiein qUµ iksY n idsih bwhrw jIau ]3]

aucwrx s`By; s`dwiein

sabhae saajheevaal sadhaaein thoon kisai n dhisehi baaharaa jeeo ||3||

All share in Your Grace; none are beyond You. ||3||

qUµ Awpy gurmuiK mukiq krwieih ]

thoon aapae guramukh mukath karaaeihi ||

You Yourself liberate the Gurmukhs;

qUµ Awpy mnmuiK jnim Bvwieih ]

thoon aapae manamukh janam bhavaaeihi ||

You Yourself consign the self-willed manmukhs to wander in reincarnation.

nwnk dws qyrY bilhwrY sBu qyrw Kylu dswhrw jIau ]4]2]9]

aucwrx d-swhrw

naanak dhaas thaerai balihaarai sabh thaeraa khael dhasaaharaa jeeo ||4||2||9||

Slave Nanak is a sacrifice to You; Your Entire Play is self-evident, Lord. ||4||2||9||