SGGSAng 97Raag MajhMahalla 513 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mwJ mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw

maajh mehalaa 5 ||

Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

Anhdu vwjY shij suhylw ]

anehadh vaajai sehaj suhaelaa ||

The Unstruck Melody resounds and resonates in peaceful ease.

sbid Anµd kry sd kylw ]

sabadh anandh karae sadh kaelaa ||

I rejoice in the eternal bliss of the Word of the Shabad.

shj guPw mih qwVI lweI Awsxu aUc svwirAw jIau ]1]

sehaj gufaa mehi thaarree laaee aasan ooch savaariaa jeeo ||1||

In the cave of intuitive wisdom I sit, absorbed in the silent trance of the Primal Void. I have obtained my seat in the heavens. ||1||

iPir iGir Apuny igRh mih AwieAw ]

fir ghir apunae grih mehi aaeiaa ||

After wandering through many other homes and houses, I have returned to my own home,

jo loVIdw soeI pwieAw ]

jo lorreedhaa soee paaeiaa ||

And I have found what I was longing for.

iqRpiq AGwie rihAw hY sMqhu guir AnBau purKu idKwirAw jIau ]2]

aucwrx AGwie: 'g'-'G' dI sWJI Avwj; An-Bau: 'B' dI ApnI Avwj

thripath aghaae rehiaa hai santhahu gur anabho purakh dhikhaariaa jeeo ||2||

I am satisfied and fulfilled; O Saints, the Guru has shown me the Fearless Lord God. ||2||

Awpy rwjnu Awpy logw ]

aapae raajan aapae logaa ||

He Himself is the King, and He Himself is the people.

Awip inrbwxI Awpy Bogw ]

aap nirabaanee aapae bhogaa ||

He Himself is in Nirvaanaa, and He Himself indulges in pleasures.

Awpy qKiq bhY scu inAweI sB cUkI kUk pukwirAw jIau ]3]

aapae thakhath behai sach niaaee sabh chookee kook pukaariaa jeeo ||3||

He Himself sits on the throne of true justice, answering the cries and prayers of all. ||3||

jyhw ifTw mY qyho kihAw ]

jaehaa ddithaa mai thaeho kehiaa ||

As I have seen Him, so have I described Him.

iqsu rsu AwieAw ijin Bydu lihAw ]

this ras aaeiaa jin bhaedh lehiaa ||

This Sublime Essence comes only to one who knows the Mystery of the Lord.

joqI joiq imlI suKu pwieAw jn nwnk ieku pswirAw jIau ]4]3]10]

jothee joth milee sukh paaeiaa jan naanak eik pasaariaa jeeo ||4||3||10||

His light merges into the Light, and he finds peace. O servant Nanak, this is all the Extension of the One. ||4||3||10||