SGGSAng 856Raag BilavalKabir Jio Ki7 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

iblwvlu ]

bilaaval ||


fMfw muMdRw iKMQw AwDwrI ]

ddanddaa mundhraa khinthhaa aadhhaaree ||

He has a walking stick, ear-rings, a patched coat and a begging bowl.

BRm kY Bwie BvY ByKDwrI ]1]

bhram kai bhaae bhavai bhaekhadhhaaree ||1||

Wearing the robes of a beggar, he wanders around, deluded by doubt. ||1||

Awsnu pvn dUir kir bvry ]

aasan pavan dhoor kar bavarae ||

Abandon your Yogic postures and breath control exercises, O madman.

Coif kptu inq hir Bju bvry ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx kptu: polw bolo (ASuD: kp`tu); Bju: polw bolo

shhodd kapatt nith har bhaj bavarae ||1|| rehaao ||

Renounce fraud and deception, and meditate continuously on the Lord, O madman. ||1||Pause||

ijh qU jwcih so iqRBvn BogI ]

jih thoo jaachehi so thribhavan bhogee ||

That which you beg for, has been enjoyed in the three worlds.

kih kbIr kysO jig jogI ]2]8]

kehi kabeer kaesa jag jogee ||2||8||

Says Kabeer, the Lord is the only Yogi in the world. ||2||8||