SGGSAng 856Raag BilavalKabir Jio Ki7 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

iblwvlu ]

bilaaval ||


dr mwdy TwFy drbwir ]

aucwrx TwFy: ibnw ibMdI bolo

dharamaadhae thaadtae dharabaar ||

I stand humbly at Your Court.

quJ ibnu suriq krY ko myrI drsnu dIjY Koil@ ikvwr ]1] rhwau ]

thujh bin surath karai ko maeree dharasan dheejai kholih kivaar ||1|| rehaao ||

Who else can take care of me, other than You? Please open Your door, and grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||1||Pause||

qum Dn DnI audwr iqAwgI sRvnn@ sunIAqu sujsu qum@wr ]

aucwrx su-jsu

thum dhhan dhhanee oudhaar thiaagee sravananh suneeath sujas thumhaar ||

You are the richest of the rich, generous and unattached. With my ears, I listen to Your Praises.

mwgau kwih rMk sB dyKau qum@ hI qy myro insqwru ]1]

maago kaahi rank sabh dhaekho thumh hee thae maero nisathaar ||1||

From whom should I beg? I see that all are beggars. My salvation comes only from You. ||1||

jYdyau nwmw ibp sudwmw iqn kau ikRpw BeI hY Apwr ]

jaidhaeo naamaa bip sudhaamaa thin ko kirapaa bhee hai apaar ||

You blessed Jai Dayv, Naam Dayv and Sudaamaa the Brahmin with Your infinite mercy.

kih kbIr qum sMmRQ dwqy cwir pdwrQ dyq n bwr ]2]7]

kehi kabeer thum sanmrathh dhaathae chaar padhaarathh dhaeth n baar ||2||7||

Says Kabeer, You are the All-powerful Lord, the Great Giver; in an instant, You bestow the four great blessings. ||2||7||