SGGSAng 390Raag AsaMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 duquky 9 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw du-quky nO

aasaa mehalaa 5 dhuthukae 9 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Du-Tukas 9:

aun kY sµig qU krqI kyl ]

oun kai sang thoo karathee kael ||

With that, you are engaged in playful sport;

aun kY sµig hm qum sµig myl ]

oun kai sang ham thum sang mael ||

With that, I am joined to you.

aun@ kY sµig qum sBu koaU lorY ]

ounh kai sang thum sabh kooo lorai ||

With that, everyone longs for you;

Esu ibnw koaU muKu nhI jorY ]1]

ous binaa kooo mukh nehee jorai ||1||

Without it, no one would even look at your face. ||1||

qy bYrwgI khw smwey ]

thae bairaagee kehaa samaaeae ||

Where is that detached soul now contained?

iqsu ibnu quhI duhyrI rI ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx quhI: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: qUhI)

this bin thuhee dhuhaeree ree ||1|| rehaao ||

Without it, you are miserable. ||1||Pause||

aun@ kY sµig qU igRh mih mwhir ]

ounh kai sang thoo grih mehi maahar ||

With that, you are the woman of the house;

aun@ kY sµig qU hoeI hY jwhir ]

ounh kai sang thoo hoee hai jaahar ||

With that, you are respected.

aun@ kY sµig qU rKI ppoil ]

ounh kai sang thoo rakhee papol ||

With that, you are caressed;

Esu ibnw qUµ CutkI roil ]2]

aucwrx qUµ: ieQy itpI sihq bolo

ous binaa thoon shhuttakee rol ||2||

Without it, you are reduced to dust. ||2||

aun@ kY sµig qyrw mwnu mhqu ]

aucwrx mh`qu

ounh kai sang thaeraa maan mehath ||

With that, you have honor and respect;

aun@ kY sµig qum swku jgqu ]

aucwrx jgq: polw bolo (ASuD: jg`q)

ounh kai sang thum saak jagath ||

With that, you have relatives in the world.

aun@ kY sµig qyrI sB ibiD QwtI ]

ounh kai sang thaeree sabh bidhh thhaattee ||

With that, you are adorned in every way;

Esu ibnw qUµ hoeI hY mwtI ]3]

aucwrx qUµ: ieQy itpI sihq bolo

ous binaa thoon hoee hai maattee ||3||

Without it, you are reduced to dust. ||3||

Ehu bYrwgI mrY n jwie ]

ouhu bairaagee marai n jaae ||

That detached soul is neither born, nor dies.

hukmy bwDw kwr kmwie ]

hukamae baadhhaa kaar kamaae ||

It acts according to the Command of the Lord's Will.

joiV ivCoVy nwnk Qwip ]

jorr vishhorrae naanak thhaap ||

O Nanak, having fashioned the body, the Lord unites the soul with it, and separates them again;

ApnI kudriq jwxY Awip ]4]31]82]

apanee kudharath jaanai aap ||4||31||82||

He alone knows His All-powerful creative nature. ||4||31||82||