Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
Anidnu mUsw lwju tukweI ]
anadhin moosaa laaj ttukaaee ||
Night and day, the mouse of time gnaws away at the rope of life.
igrq kUp mih Kwih imTweI ]1]
girath koop mehi khaahi mithaaee ||1||
Falling into the well, the mortal eats the sweet treats of Maya. ||1||
socq swcq rYin ibhwnI ]
sochath saachath rain bihaanee ||
Thinking and planning, the night of the life is passing away.
Aink rMg mwieAw ky icqvq kbhU n ismrY swirMgpwnI ]1] rhwau ]
anik rang maaeiaa kae chithavath kabehoo n simarai saaringapaanee ||1|| rehaao ||
Thinking of the many pleasures of Maya, the mortal never remembers the Lord, the Sustainer of the earth. ||1||Pause||
dRüm kI CwieAw inhcl igRhu bWiDAw ]
aucwrx dRüm: AONkV 'r' nUµ lw ky
dhraam kee shhaaeiaa nihachal grihu baandhhiaa ||
Believing the shade of the tree to be permanent, he builds his house beneath it.
kwl kY PWis skq sru sWiDAw ]2]
kaal kai faans sakath sar saandhhiaa ||2||
But the noose of death is around his neck, and Shakti, the power of Maya, has aimed her arrows at him. ||2||
bwlU knwrw qrµg muiK AwieAw ]
baaloo kanaaraa tharang mukh aaeiaa ||
The sandy shore is being washed away by the waves,
so Qwnu mUiV inhclu kir pwieAw ]3]
so thhaan moorr nihachal kar paaeiaa ||3||
But the fool still believes that place to be permanent. ||3||
swDsµig jipE hir rwie ]
saadhhasang japiou har raae ||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, chant the Name of the Lord, the King.
nwnk jIvY hir gux gwie ]4]30]81]
naanak jeevai har gun gaae ||4||30||81||
Nanak lives by singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4||30||81||