<> siqgur pRswid ]
ikonkaar satigur prasaadi ||
One Oankar, the primal energy realized through the grace of divine preceptor
1: gur cylw
ikonkaar satigur prasaadi ||
One Oankar, the primal energy realized through the grace of divine preceptor
pIr murIdI gwKVI ko ivrlw jwxY ]
peer mureedee gaakharhee ko viralaa jaanai.
Discipleship of the Guru is such a difficult task that only a rare one can understand it.
pIrw pIru vKwxIAY gur gurw vKwxY ]
peeraa peeru vakhaaneeai guru guraan vakhaanai.
He, who knows it, becomes guide of spiritual guides and chief Guru of Gurus.
guru cylw cylw gurU kir coj ivfwxY ]
guru chaylaa chaylaa guroo kari choj vidaanai.
In this stage the wonderful feat of becoming Guru by the disciple and vice-versa is enacted.
so guru soeI isK hY joqI joiq smwxY ]
so guru soee sikhu hai jotee joti samaanai.
Externally the Sikh and Guru remain as they were, but internally, the light of the one permeates the other.
ieku gurU ieku isKu hY guru sbid is\wxY ]
iku guru iku sikhu hai guru sabadi siaanai.
Becoming the Sikh of the One Guru, the disciple understands the word of the Guru.
imhr muhbiq mylu kir Bau Bwau su BwxY ]1]
mihar muhabati maylu kari bhau bhaau su bhaanai ||1||
Grace of the Guru and love of the disciple meeting together in the divine order join each other in the form of the love of the Guru and fear in the mind of the disciple to create a balanced and handsome personality.