slok mÚ 4 ]
aucwrx slok mh`lw cauQw
salok ma 4 ||
Shalok, Fourth Mehl:
siB rs iqn kY irdY hih ijn hir visAw mn mwih ]
sabh ras thin kai ridhai hehi jin har vasiaa man maahi ||
All joy is in the hearts of those, within whose minds the Lord abides.
hir drgih qy muK aujly iqn kau siB dyKx jwih ]
har dharagehi thae mukh oujalae thin ko sabh dhaekhan jaahi ||
In the Court of the Lord, their faces are radiant, and everyone goes to see them.
ijn inrBau nwmu iDAwieAw iqn kau Bau koeI nwih ]
jin nirabho naam dhhiaaeiaa thin ko bho koee naahi ||
Those who meditate on the Name of the Fearless Lord have no fear.
hir auqmu iqnI sryivAw ijn kau Duir iliKAw Awih ]
aucwrx s-ryivAw
har outham thinee saraeviaa jin ko dhhur likhiaa aahi ||
Those who have such pre-destined destiny remember the Sublime Lord.
qy hir drgih pYn@weIAih ijn hir vuTw mn mwih ]
thae har dharagehi painaaeeahi jin har vuthaa man maahi ||
Those, within whose minds the Lord abides, are robed with honor in the Court of the Lord.
Eie Awip qry sB kutµb isau iqn ipCY sBu jgqu Cfwih ]
oue aap tharae sabh kuttanb sio thin pishhai sabh jagath shhaddaahi ||
They are carried across, along with all their family, and the whole world is saved along with them.
jn nwnk kau hir myil jn iqn vyiK vyiK hm jIvwih ]1]
jan naanak ko har mael jan thin vaekh vaekh ham jeevaahi ||1||
O Lord, please unite servant Nanak with Your humble servants; beholding them, beholding them, I live. ||1||