SGGSAng 362Raag AsaMahalla 319 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

Awsw mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw qIjw

aasaa mehalaa 3 ||

Aasaa, Third Mehl:

mnmuK mrih mir mrxu ivgwVih ]

manamukh marehi mar maran vigaarrehi ||

The self-willed manmukhs are dying; they are wasting away in death.

dUjY Bwie Awqm sµGwrih ]

dhoojai bhaae aatham sanghaarehi ||

In the love of duality, they murder their own souls.

myrw myrw kir kir ivgUqw ]

maeraa maeraa kar kar vigoothaa ||

Crying out, “Mine, mine!”, they are ruined.

Awqmu n cIn@Y BrmY ivic sUqw ]1]

aatham n cheenhai bharamai vich soothaa ||1||

They do not remember their souls; they are asleep in superstition. ||1||

mru muieAw sbdy mir jwie ]

aucwrx muieAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: moieAw)

mar mueiaa sabadhae mar jaae ||

He alone dies a real death, who dies in the Word of the Shabad.

ausqiq inMdw guir sm jwxweI iesu jug mih lwhw hir jip lY jwie ]1] rhwau ]

ousathath nindhaa gur sam jaanaaee eis jug mehi laahaa har jap lai jaae ||1|| rehaao ||

The Guru has inspired me to realize, that praise and slander are one and the same; in this world, the profit is obtained by chanting the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

nwm ivhUx grB gil jwie ]

aucwrx gil: polw bolo

naam vihoon garabh gal jaae ||

Those who lack the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are dissolved within the womb.

ibrQw jnmu dUjY loBwie ]

birathhaa janam dhoojai lobhaae ||

Useless is the birth of those who are lured by duality.

nwm ibhUxI duiK jlY sbweI ]

aucwrx jlY: polw bolo

naam bihoonee dhukh jalai sabaaee ||

Without the Naam, all are burning in pain.

siqguir pUrY bUJ buJweI ]2]

aucwrx bU`J; bu`JweI

sathigur poorai boojh bujhaaee ||2||

The Perfect True Guru has given me this understanding. ||2||

mnu cMclu bhu cotw Kwie ]

man chanchal bahu chottaa khaae ||

The fickle mind is struck down so many times.

eyQhu CuVikAw Taur n pwie ]

eaethhahu shhurrakiaa thour n paae ||

Having lost this opportunity, no place of rest shall be found.

grB join ivstw kw vwsu ]

garabh jon visattaa kaa vaas ||

Cast into the womb of reincarnation, the mortal lives in manure;

iqqu Gir mnmuKu kry invwsu ]3]

thith ghar manamukh karae nivaas ||3||

In such a home, the self-willed manmukh takes up residence. ||3||

Apuny siqgur kau sdw bil jweI ]

apunae sathigur ko sadhaa bal jaaee ||

I am forever a sacrifice to my True Guru;

gurmuiK joqI joiq imlweI ]

guramukh jothee joth milaaee ||

The light of the Gurmukh blends with the Divine Light of the Lord.

inrml bwxI inj Gir vwsw ]

niramal baanee nij ghar vaasaa ||

Through the Immaculate Bani of the Word, the mortal dwells within the home of his own inner self.

nwnk haumY mwry sdw audwsw ]4]6]45]

naanak houmai maarae sadhaa oudhaasaa ||4||6||45||

O Nanak, he conquers his ego, and remains forever detached. ||4||6||45||