SGGSAng 362Raag AsaMahalla 319 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

Awsw mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw qIjw

aasaa mehalaa 3 ||

Aasaa, Third Mehl:

lwlY AwpxI jwiq gvweI ]

aucwrx lwlY: Bwrw krky

laalai aapanee jaath gavaaee ||

The Lord's slave sets aside his own social status.

qnu mnu Arpy siqgur srxweI ]

than man arapae sathigur saranaaee ||

He dedicates his mind and body to the True Guru, and seeks His Sanctuary.

ihrdY nwmu vfI vifAweI ]

hiradhai naam vaddee vaddiaaee ||

His greatest greatness is that the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is in his heart.

sdw pRIqmu pRBu hoie sKweI ]1]

sadhaa preetham prabh hoe sakhaaee ||1||

The Beloved Lord God is his constant companion. ||1||

so lwlw jIvqu mrY ]

aucwrx lwlw: Bwrw krky

so laalaa jeevath marai ||

He alone is the Lord's slave, who remains dead while yet alive.

sogu hrKu duie sm kir jwxY gurprswdI sbid auDrY ]1] rhwau ]

sog harakh dhue sam kar jaanai gur parasaadhee sabadh oudhharai ||1|| rehaao ||

He looks upon pleasure and pain alike; by Guru's Grace, he is saved through the Word of the Shabad. ||1||Pause||

krxI kwr Durhu PurmweI ]

karanee kaar dhhurahu furamaaee ||

He does his deeds according to the Lord's Primal Command.

ibnu sbdY ko Qwie n pweI ]

bin sabadhai ko thhaae n paaee ||

Without the Shabad, no one is approved.

krxI kIriq nwmu vsweI ]

karanee keerath naam vasaaee ||

Singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, the Naam abides within the mind.

Awpy dyvY iFl n pweI ]2]

aapae dhaevai dtil n paaee ||2||

He Himself gives His gifts, without hesitation. ||2||

mnmuiK Brim BulY sMswru ]

manamukh bharam bhulai sansaar ||

The self-willed manmukh wanders around the world in doubt.

ibnu rwsI kUVw kry vwpwru ]

bin raasee koorraa karae vaapaar ||

Without any capital, he makes false transactions.

ivxu rwsI vKru plY n pwie ]

aucwrx p`lY

vin raasee vakhar palai n paae ||

Without any capital, he does not obtain any merchandise.

mnmuiK Bulw jnmu gvwie ]3]

manamukh bhulaa janam gavaae ||3||

The mistaken manmukh wastes away his life. ||3||

siqguru syvy su lwlw hoie ]

aucwrx lwlw: Bwrw krky

sathigur saevae s laalaa hoe ||

One who serves the True Guru is the Lord's slave.

aUqm jwqI aUqmu soie ]

ootham jaathee ootham soe ||

His social status is exalted, and his reputation is exalted.

gur pauVI sBdU aUcw hoie ]

aucwrx sB-dU

gur pourree sabh dhoo oochaa hoe ||

Climbing the Guru's Ladder, he becomes the most exalted of all.

nwnk nwim vfweI hoie ]4]7]46]

naanak naam vaddaaee hoe ||4||7||46||

O Nanak, through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, greatness is obtained. ||4||7||46||