SGGSAng 393Raag AsaMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

AwT phr audk iesnwnI ]

aath pehar oudhak eisanaanee ||

Twenty-four hours a day, he takes his cleansing bath in water;

sdhI Bogu lgwie suigAwnI ]

sadh hee bhog lagaae sugiaanee ||

He makes continual offerings to the Lord; he is a true man of wisdom.

ibrQw kwhU CofY nwhI ]

birathhaa kaahoo shhoddai naahee ||

He never leaves anything uselessly.

bhuir bhuir iqsu lwgh pweI ]1]

bahur bahur this laageh paaee ||1||

Again and again, he falls at the Lord's Feet. ||1||

swl igrwmu hmwrY syvw ]

saalagiraam hamaarai saevaa ||

Such is the Saalagraam, the stone idol, which I serve;

pUjw Arcw bMdn dyvw ]1] rhwau ]

poojaa arachaa bandhan dhaevaa ||1|| rehaao ||

Such is my worship, flower-offerings and divine adoration as well. ||1||Pause||

GMtw jw kw sunIAY chu kuMt ]

ghanttaa jaa kaa suneeai chahu kuntt ||

His bell resounds to the four corners of the world.

Awsnu jw kw sdw bYkuµT ]

aasan jaa kaa sadhaa baikunth ||

His seat is forever in heaven.

jw kw cvru sB aUpir JUlY ]

jaa kaa chavar sabh oopar jhoolai ||

His chauri, his fly-brush, waves over all.

qw kw DUpu sdw prPulY ]2]

thaa kaa dhhoop sadhaa parafulai ||2||

His incense is ever-fragrant. ||2||

Git Git sµptu hY ry jw kw ]

ghatt ghatt sanpatt hai rae jaa kaa ||

He is treasured in each and every heart.

ABg sBw sµig hY swDw ]

aucwrx AB`g; sBw: polw bolo

abhag sabhaa sang hai saadhhaa ||

The Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, is His Eternal Court.

AwrqI kIrqnu sdw Anµd ]

aarathee keerathan sadhaa anandh ||

His Aartee, his lamp-lit worship service, is the Kirtan of His Praises, which brings lasting bliss.

mihmw suµdr sdw byAMq ]3]

mehimaa sundhar sadhaa baeanth ||3||

His Greatness is so beautiful, and ever limitless. ||3||

ijsih prwpiq iqshI lhnw ]

jisehi paraapath this hee lehanaa ||

He alone obtains it, who is so pre-ordained;

sMq crn Ehu AwieE srnw ]

santh charan ouhu aaeiou saranaa ||

He takes to the Sanctuary of the Saints' Feet.

hwiQ ciVE hir swl igrwmu ]

haathh charriou har saalagiraam ||

I hold in my hands the Saalagraam of the Lord.

khu nwnk guir kIno dwnu ]4]39]90]

kahu naanak gur keeno dhaan ||4||39||90||

Says Nanak, the Guru has given me this Gift. ||4||39||90||