Awsw mhlw 5 pMcpdw ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw pMc-pdw
aasaa mehalaa 5 panchapadhaa ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Panch-Pada:
ijh pYfY lUtI pinhwrI ]
jih paiddai loottee panihaaree ||
That highway, upon which the water-carrier is plundered
so mwrgu sMqn dUrwrI ]1]
so maarag santhan dhooraaree ||1||
- that way is far removed from the Saints. ||1||
siqgur pUrY swcu kihAw ]
sathigur poorai saach kehiaa ||
The True Guru has spoken the Truth.
nwm qyry kI mukqy bIQI jm kw mwrgu dUir rihAw ]1] rhwau ]
naam thaerae kee mukathae beethhee jam kaa maarag dhoor rehiaa ||1|| rehaao ||
Your Name, O Lord, is the Way to Salvation; the road of the Messenger of Death is far away. ||1||Pause||
jh lwlc jwgwqI Gwt ]
jeh laalach jaagaathee ghaatt ||
That place, where the greedy toll-collector dwells
dUir rhI auh jn qy bwt ]2]
dhoor rehee ouh jan thae baatt ||2||
- that path remains far removed from the Lord's humble servant. ||2||
jh Awvty bhuq Gn swQ ]
aucwrx Awv`ty
jeh aavattae bahuth ghan saathh ||
There, where so very many caravans of men are caught,
pwrbRhm ky sµgI swD ]3]
aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
paarabreham kae sangee saadhh ||3||
The Holy Saints remain with the Supreme Lord. ||3||
icqR gupqu sB ilKqy lyKw ]
chithr gupath sabh likhathae laekhaa ||
Chitra and Gupat, the recording angels of the conscious and the unconscious, write the accounts of all mortal beings,
Bgq jnw kau idRsit n pyKw ]4]
bhagath janaa ko dhrisatt n paekhaa ||4||
But they cannot even see the Lord's humble devotees. ||4||
khu nwnk ijsu siqguru pUrw ]
kahu naanak jis sathigur pooraa ||
Says Nanak, one whose True Guru is Perfect
vwjy qw kY Anhd qUrw ]5]40]91]
vaajae thaa kai anehadh thooraa ||5||40||91||
- the unblown bugles of ecstasy vibrate for him. ||5||40||91||