SGGSAng 1180Raag BasantMahalla 520 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

bsµqu mhlw 5 Gru 1 duquky

aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw pMjvw Gru pihlw du-quky

basanth mehalaa 5 ghar 1 dhuthukae

Basant, Fifth Mehl, First House, Du-Tukay:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

guru syvau kir nmskwr ]

gur saevo kar namasakaar ||

I serve the Guru, and humbly bow to Him.

Awju hmwrY mMglcwr ]

aaj hamaarai mangalachaar ||

Today is a day of celebration for me.

Awju hmwrY mhw Anµd ]

aaj hamaarai mehaa anandh ||

Today I am in supreme bliss.

icMq lQI Byty goibMd ]1]

chinth lathhee bhaettae gobindh ||1||

My anxiety is dispelled, and I have met the Lord of the Universe. ||1||

Awju hmwrY igRih bsµq ]

aaj hamaarai grihi basanth ||

Today, it is springtime in my household.

gun gwey pRB qum byAMq ]1] rhwau ]

gun gaaeae prabh thumh baeanth ||1|| rehaao ||

I sing Your Glorious Praises, O Infinite Lord God. ||1||Pause||

Awju hmwrY bny Pwg ]

aaj hamaarai banae faag ||

Today, I am celebrating the festival of Phalgun.

pRB sµgI imil Kyln lwg ]

prabh sangee mil khaelan laag ||

Joining with God's companions, I have begun to play.

holI kInI sMq syv ]

holee keenee santh saev ||

I celebrate the festival of Holi by serving the Saints.

rMgu lwgw Aiq lwl dyv ]2]

aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo

rang laagaa ath laal dhaev ||2||

I am imbued with the deep crimson color of the Lord's Divine Love. ||2||

mnu qnu mauilE Aiq AnUp ]

aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo

man than mouliou ath anoop ||

My mind and body have blossomed forth, in utter, incomparable beauty.

sUkY nwhI Cwv DUp ]

sookai naahee shhaav dhhoop ||

They do not dry out in either sunshine or shade;

sglI rUqI hirAw hoie ]

aucwrx rU`qI

sagalee roothee hariaa hoe ||

They flourish in all seasons.

sd bsµq gur imly dyv ]3]

sadh basanth gur milae dhaev ||3||

It is always springtime, when I meet with the Divine Guru. ||3||

ibrKu jimE hY pwrjwq ]

birakh jamiou hai paarajaath ||

The wish-fulfilling Elysian Tree has sprouted and grown.

PUl lgy Pl rqn BWiq ]

fool lagae fal rathan bhaanth ||

It bears flowers and fruits, jewels of all sorts.

iqRpiq AGwny hir guxh gwie ]

aucwrx AGwny: 'g'-'G' dI sWJI Avwj

thripath aghaanae har guneh gaae ||

I am satisfied and fulfilled, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

jn nwnk hir hir hir iDAwie ]4]1]

jan naanak har har har dhhiaae ||4||1||

Servant Nanak meditates on the Lord, Har, Har, Har. ||4||1||