SGGSAng 1175Raag BasantMahalla 319 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

bsµqu mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw qIjw

basanth mehalaa 3 ||

Basant, Third Mehl:

ikRpw kry siqgurU imlwey ]

kirapaa karae sathiguroo milaaeae ||

Granting His Grace, the Lord leads the mortal to meet the True Guru.

Awpy Awip vsY min Awey ]

aapae aap vasai man aaeae ||

The Lord Himself comes to abide in his mind.

inhcl miq sdw mn DIr ]

aucwrx m`iq

nihachal math sadhaa man dhheer ||

His intellect becomes steady and stable, and his mind is strengthened forever.

hir gux gwvY guxI ghIr ]1]

har gun gaavai gunee geheer ||1||

He sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord, the Ocean of Virtue. ||1||

nwmhu BUly mrih ibKu Kwie ]

naamahu bhoolae marehi bikh khaae ||

Those who forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord - those mortals die eating poison.

ibRQw jnmu iPir Awvih jwie ]1] rhwau ]

brithhaa janam fir aavehi jaae ||1|| rehaao ||

Their lives are wasted uselessly, and they continue coming and going in reincarnation. ||1||Pause||

bhu ByK krih min sWiq n hoie ]

bahu bhaekh karehi man saanth n hoe ||

They wear all sorts of religious robes, but their minds are not at peace.

bhu AiBmwin ApxI piq Koie ]

bahu abhimaan apanee path khoe ||

In great egotism, they lose their honor.

sy vfBwgI ijn sbdu pCwixAw ]

sae vaddabhaagee jin sabadh pashhaaniaa ||

But those who realize the Word of the Shabad, are blessed by great good fortune.

bwhir jwdw Gr mih AwixAw ]2]

baahar jaadhaa ghar mehi aaniaa ||2||

They bring their distractible minds back home. ||2||

Gr mih vsqu Agm Apwrw ]

ghar mehi vasath agam apaaraa ||

Within the home of the inner self is the inaccessible and infinite substance.

gurmiq Kojih sbid bIcwrw ]

guramath khojehi sabadh beechaaraa ||

Those who find it, by following the Guru's Teachings, contemplate the Shabad.

nwmu nviniD pweI Gr hI mwih ]

aucwrx nv-in`iD

naam nav nidhh paaee ghar hee maahi ||

Those who obtain the nine treasures of the Naam within the home of their own inner being,

sdw rµig rwqy sic smwih ]3]

aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo

sadhaa rang raathae sach samaahi ||3||

Are forever dyed in the color of the Lord's Love; they are absorbed in the Truth. ||3||

Awip kry ikCu krxu n jwie ]

aap karae kishh karan n jaae ||

God Himself does everything; no one can do anything at all by himself.

Awpy BwvY ley imlwie ]

aapae bhaavai leae milaae ||

When God so wills, He merges the mortal into Himself.

iqs qy nyVY nwhI ko dUir ]

this thae naerrai naahee ko dhoor ||

All are near Him; no one is far away from Him.

nwnk nwim rihAw BrpUir ]4]11]

naanak naam rehiaa bharapoor ||4||11||

O Nanak, the Naam is permeating and pervading everywhere. ||4||11||