bsµqu mhlw 3 ]
aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw qIjw
basanth mehalaa 3 ||
Basant, Third Mehl:
gur sbdI hir cyiq suBwie ]
aucwrx suBwie: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj
gur sabadhee har chaeth subhaae ||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, remember the Lord with love
rwm nwm ris rhY AGwie ]
aucwrx AGwie: 'g'-'G' dI sWJI Avwj
raam naam ras rehai aghaae ||
And you shall remain satisfied by the sublime essence of the Lord's Name.
kot kotµqr ky pwp jil jwih ]
aucwrx jil: polw bolo
kott kottanthar kae paap jal jaahi ||
The sins of millions upon millions of lifetimes shall be burnt away.
jIvq mrih hir nwim smwih ]1]
jeevath marehi har naam samaahi ||1||
Remaining dead while yet alive, you shall be absorbed in the Lord's Name. ||1||
hir kI dwiq hir jIau jwxY ]
har kee dhaath har jeeo jaanai ||
The Dear Lord Himself knows His own bountiful blessings.
gur kY sbid iehu mnu mauilAw hir guxdwqw nwmu vKwxY ]1] rhwau ]
gur kai sabadh eihu man mouliaa har gunadhaathaa naam vakhaanai ||1|| rehaao ||
This mind blossoms forth in the Guru's Shabad, chanting the Name of the Lord, the Giver of virtue. ||1||Pause||
BgvY vyis BRim mukiq n hoie ]
bhagavai vaes bhram mukath n hoe ||
No one is liberated by wandering around in saffron-colored robes.
bhu sµjim sWiq n pwvY koie ]
bahu sanjam saanth n paavai koe ||
Tranquility is not found by strict self-discipline.
gurmiq nwmu prwpiq hoie ]
guramath naam paraapath hoe ||
But by following the Guru's Teachings, one is blessed to receive the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
vfBwgI hir pwvY soie ]2]
vaddabhaagee har paavai soe ||2||
By great good fortune, one finds the Lord. ||2||
kil mih rwm nwim vifAweI ]
kal mehi raam naam vaddiaaee ||
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, glorious greatness comes through the Lord's Name.
gur pUry qy pwieAw jweI ]
gur poorae thae paaeiaa jaaee ||
Through the Perfect Guru, it is obtained.
nwim rqy sdw suKu pweI ]
aucwrx r`qy
naam rathae sadhaa sukh paaee ||
Those who are imbued with the Naam find everlasting peace.
ibnu nwmY haumY jil jweI ]3]
aucwrx jil: polw bolo
bin naamai houmai jal jaaee ||3||
But without the Naam, mortals burn in egotism. ||3||
vfBwgI hir nwmu bIcwrw ]
vaddabhaagee har naam beechaaraa ||
By great good furtune, some contemplate the Lord's Name.
CUtY rwm nwim duKu swrw ]
shhoottai raam naam dhukh saaraa ||
Through the Lord's Name, all sorrows are eradicated.
ihrdY visAw su bwhir pwswrw ]
hiradhai vasiaa s baahar paasaaraa ||
He dwells within the heart, and pervades the external universe as well.
nwnk jwxY sBu aupwvxhwrw ]4]12]
naanak jaanai sabh oupaavanehaaraa ||4||12||
O Nanak, the Creator Lord knows all. ||4||12||