slok mÚ 4 ]
aucwrx slok mh`lw cauQw
salok ma 4 ||
Shalok, Fourth Mehl:
jo inMdw kry siqgur pUry kI su AauKw jg mih hoieAw ]
jo nindhaa karae sathigur poorae kee s aoukhaa jag mehi hoeiaa ||
One who slanders the Perfect True Guru, shall have difficulty in this world.
nrk Goru duK KUhu hY EQY pkiV Ehu FoieAw ]
narak ghor dhukh khoohu hai outhhai pakarr ouhu dtoeiaa ||
He is caught and thrown into the most horrible hell, the well of pain and suffering.
kUk pukwr ko n suxy Ehu AauKw hoie hoie roieAw ]
kook pukaar ko n sunae ouhu aoukhaa hoe hoe roeiaa ||
No one listens to his shrieks and cries; he cries out in pain and misery.
Ein hlqu plqu sBu gvwieAw lwhw mUlu sBu KoieAw ]
oun halath palath sabh gavaaeiaa laahaa mool sabh khoeiaa ||
He totally loses this world and the next; he has lost all of his investment and profit.
Ehu qylI sMdw bldu kir inq Blky auiT pRiB joieAw ]
ouhu thaelee sandhaa baladh kar nith bhalakae outh prabh joeiaa ||
He is like the ox at the oil-press; each morning when he rises, God places the yoke upon him.
hir vyKY suxY inq sBu ikCu iqdU ikCu guJw n hoieAw ]
har vaekhai sunai nith sabh kishh thidhoo kishh gujhaa n hoeiaa ||
The Lord always sees and hears everything; nothing can be concealed from Him.
jYsw bIjy so luxY jyhw purib iknY boieAw ]
jaisaa beejae so lunai jaehaa purab kinai boeiaa ||
As you plant, so shall you harvest, according to what you planted in the past.
ijsu ikRpw kry pRBu AwpxI iqsu siqgur ky crx DoieAw ]
jis kirapaa karae prabh aapanee this sathigur kae charan dhhoeiaa ||
One who is blessed by God's Grace washes the feet of the True Guru.
gur siqgur ipCY qir gieAw ijau lohw kwT sMgoieAw ]
gur sathigur pishhai thar gaeiaa jio lohaa kaath sangoeiaa ||
He is carried across by the Guru, the True Guru, like iron which is carried across by wood.
jn nwnk nwmu iDAwie qU jip hir hir nwim suKu hoieAw ]1]
jan naanak naam dhhiaae thoo jap har har naam sukh hoeiaa ||1||
O servant Nanak, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, peace is obtained. ||1||