pauVI ]
pourree ||
kwieAw kotu Apwru hY AMdir htnwly ]
aucwrx kWieAW
kaaeiaa kott apaar hai andhar hattanaalae ||
The human body is a great fortress, with its shops and streets within.
gurmuiK saudw jo kry hir vsqu smwly ]
aucwrx saudw: ibMdI rihq bolo (ASuD: sauNdw)
guramukh soudhaa jo karae har vasath samaalae ||
The Gurmukh who comes to trade gathers the cargo of the Lord's Name.
nwmu inDwnu hir vxjIAY hIry prvwly ]
naam nidhhaan har vanajeeai heerae paravaalae ||
He deals in the treasure of the Lord's Name, the jewels and the diamonds.
ivxu kwieAw ij hor QY Dnu Kojdy sy mUV byqwly ]
aucwrx kWieAW
vin kaaeiaa j hor thhai dhhan khojadhae sae moorr baethaalae ||
Those who search for this treasure outside of the body, in other places, are foolish demons.
sy auJiV Brim BvweIAih ijau JwV imrgu Bwly ]15]
sae oujharr bharam bhavaaeeahi jio jhaarr mirag bhaalae ||15||
They wander around in the wilderness of doubt, like the deer who searches for the musk in the bushes. ||15||