SGGSAng 1178Raag BasantMahalla 411 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

bsµqu mhlw 4 ihMfol ]

aucwrx bsµqu mh`lw cauQw ihMfol

basanth mehalaa 4 hinddol ||

Basant, Fourth Mehl, Hindol:

qum@ vf purK vf Agm gusweI hm kIry ikrm qumnCy ]

aucwrx qumn-Cy

thumh vadd purakh vadd agam gusaaee ham keerae kiram thumanashhae ||

You are the Great Supreme Being, the Vast and Inaccessible Lord of the World; I am a mere insect, a worm created by You.

hir dIn dieAwl krhu pRB ikrpw gur siqgur crx hm bnCy ]1]

aucwrx bn-Cy

har dheen dhaeiaal karahu prabh kirapaa gur sathigur charan ham banashhae ||1||

O Lord, Merciful to the meek, please grant Your Grace; O God, I long for the feet of the Guru, the True Guru. ||1||

goibMd jIau sqsµgiq myil kir ikRpCy ]

aucwrx ikRp-Cy

gobindh jeeo sathasangath mael kar kirapashhae ||

O Dear Lord of the Universe, please be merciful and unite me with the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation.

jnm jnm ky iklivK mlu BirAw imil sµgiq kir pRB hnCy ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx hn-Cy

janam janam kae kilavikh mal bhariaa mil sangath kar prabh hanashhae ||1|| rehaao ||

I was overflowing with the filthy sins of countless past lives. But joining the Sangat, God made me pure again. ||1||Pause||

qum@rw jnu jwiq Aivjwqw hir jipE piqq pvICy ]

aucwrx Aiv-jwqw; p-vICy

thumharaa jan jaath avijaathaa har japiou pathith paveeshhae ||

Your humble servant, whether of high class or low class, O Lord - by meditating on You, the sinner becomes pure.

hir kIE sgl Bvn qy aUpir hir soBw hir pRB idnCy ]2]

aucwrx idn-Cy

har keeou sagal bhavan thae oopar har sobhaa har prabh dhinashhae ||2||

The Lord exalts and elevates him above the whole world, and the Lord God blesses him with the Lord's Glory. ||2||

jwiq Ajwiq koeI pRB iDAwvY siB pUry mwns iqnCy ]

aucwrx iqn-Cy

jaath ajaath koee prabh dhhiaavai sabh poorae maanas thinashhae ||

Anyone who meditates on God, whether of high class or low class, will have all of his hopes and desires fulfilled.

sy Dµin vfy vf pUry hirjn ijn hir DwirE hir aurCy ]3]

aucwrx aur-Cy

sae dhhann vaddae vadd poorae har jan jinh har dhhaariou har ourashhae ||3||

Those humble servants of the Lord who enshrine the Lord within their hearts, are blessed, and are made great and totally perfect. ||3||

hm FINFy FIm bhuqu Aiq BwrI hir Dwir ikRpw pRB imlCy ]

aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo; iml-Cy

ham dteenadtae dteem bahuth ath bhaaree har dhhaar kirapaa prabh milashhae ||

I am so low, I am an utterly heavy lump of clay. Please shower Your Mercy on me, Lord, and unite me with Yourself.

jn nwnk guru pwieAw hir qUTy hm kIey piqq pvICy ]4]2]4]

aucwrx pvI-Cy

jan naanak gur paaeiaa har thoothae ham keeeae pathith paveeshhae ||4||2||4||

The Lord, in His Mercy, has led servant Nanak to find the Guru; I was a sinner, and now I have become immaculate and pure. ||||4||2||4||