15: is`K dI in`q kmweI
Daily conduct of the Sikh
ipCl rwqI jwgxw nwmu dwnu iesnwnu idVwey ]
pichhal raateen jaaganaa naamu daanu isanaanu dirhaaay.
The Sikh awakes in the pre-dawn hour and meditating upon Nan, he becomes alert for ablution and charity.
imTw bolxu inv clxu hQhu dy kY Blw mnwey ]
mitdaa bolanu niv chalanu hadahu day kai bhalaa manaaay.
He speaks sweetly, moves humbly and giving away something by his hands for the well being of others feels happy.
QoVw svxw Kwvxw QoVw bolnu gurmiq pwey ]
dorhaa savanaa khaavanaa dorhaa bolanu guramati paaay.
Sleeping and eating maderately he, according to the teachings of the Guru, also does not speak much.
Gwil Kwie suikRqu krY vfw hoie n Awpu gxwey ]
ghaali khaai soukritu karai vadaa hoi n aapu ganaaay.
He toils to earn, performs good deeds and though being great never gets his greatness noticed.
swDsMgiq imil gWvdy rwiq idhYN inq cil cil jwey ]
saadhasangati mili gaanvaday raati dihain nit chali chali jaaay.
Walking for day and night he reaches where Gurbant is sung in the congregation.
sbd suriq prcw krY siqguru prcY mn prcwey ]
sabad surati parachaa karai satiguru parachai manu parachaaay.
He keeps his consciousness merged in the Word and maintains in the mind love for the true Guru.
Awsw ivic inrwsu vlwey ]15]
aasaa vichi niraasu valaaay ||15||
Amid hopes and desires, he remains detached.