14: isK inMmRI qy propkwrI hY
Sikh, the humble and the benevolent
pwxI AMdir Driq hY DrqI AMdir pwxI vsY ]
paanee andari dharati hai dharatee andari paanee vasai.
Earth is in water and in the earth also is water.
DrqI rMgu n rMg sB DrqI swau n sB rs rsY ]
dharatee rangu n rang sabh dharatee saau n sabh ras rasai.
Earth has no colour yet it has all colours (in the form of different vegetation) in it.
DrqI gMDu n gMD bhu Driq n rUp AnUp qrsY ]
dharatee gandhu n gandh bahu dharati n roop anoop tarasai.
Earth has no taste yet all the tastes are contained in it.
jyhw bIjY so luxY krim BUim sB koeI dsY ]
jayhaa beejai so lounai karami bhoomi sabh koee dasai.
No smell is there in the earth, yet all the fragrances reside in it.
cMdn lypu n lypu hY kir ml mUq ksUqu n DsY ]
chandan laypu n laypu hai kari mal moot kasootu n dhasai.
Earth is a field for actions; here one reaps what one sows.
vuTy mIh jmwiedy fiv lgY AMgUru ivgsY ]
voutday meeh jamaaiday davi lagai angooru vigasai.
Plastered with sandal paste, it does not get attached to it and fouled up by creatures' excreta it does not sink with anger and shame.
duiK n rovY suiK n hsY ]14]
doukhi n rovai soukhi n hasai ||14||
After rains people sow corn in it and even after (getting heat) fire new seedlings sprout from it. It does not wail in suffering nor laughs in pleasure.