iblwvlu ]
bilaaval ||
srIr srovr BIqry AwCY kml AnUp ]
sareer sarovar bheetharae aashhai kamal anoop ||
Within the pool of the body, there is an incomparably beautiful lotus flower.
prm joiq purKoqmo jw kY ryK n rUp ]1]
aucwrx pur-Koqmo
param joth purakhothamo jaa kai raekh n roop ||1||
Within it, is the Supreme Light, the Supreme Soul, who has no feature or form. ||1||
ry mn hir Bju BRmu qjhu jgjIvn rwm ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx Bju: polw bolo
rae man har bhaj bhram thajahu jagajeevan raam ||1|| rehaao ||
O my mind, vibrate, meditate on the Lord, and forsake your doubt. The Lord is the Life of the World. ||1||Pause||
Awvq kCU n dIseI nh dIsY jwq ]
aavath kashhoo n dheesee neh dheesai jaath ||
Nothing is seen coming into the world, and nothing is seen leaving it.
jh aupjY ibnsY qhI jYsy puirvn pwq ]2]
aucwrx puir-vn
jeh oupajai binasai thehee jaisae purivan paath ||2||
Where the body is born, there it dies, like the leaves of the water-lily. ||2||
imiQAw kir mwieAw qjI suK shj bIcwir ]
mithhiaa kar maaeiaa thajee sukh sehaj beechaar ||
Maya is false and transitory; forsaking it, one obtains peaceful, celestial contemplation.
kih kbIr syvw krhu mn mMiJ murwir ]3]10]
kehi kabeer saevaa karahu man manjh muraar ||3||10||
Says Kabeer, serve Him within your mind; He is the Enemy of ego, the Destroyer of demons. ||3||10||