Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
inmK kwm suAwd kwrix koit idns duKu pwvih ]
nimakh kaam suaadh kaaran kott dhinas dhukh paavehi ||
For a moment of sexual pleasure, you shall suffer in pain for millions of days.
GrI muhq rMg mwxih iPir bhuir bhuir pCuqwvih ]1]
gharee muhath rang maanehi fir bahur bahur pashhuthaavehi ||1||
For an instant, you may savor pleasure, but afterwards, you shall regret it, again and again. ||1||
AMDy cyiq hir hir rwieAw ]
andhhae chaeth har har raaeiaa ||
O blind man, meditate on the Lord, the Lord, your King.
qyrw so idnu nyVY AwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
thaeraa so dhin naerrai aaeiaa ||1|| rehaao ||
Your day is drawing near. ||1||Pause||
plk idRsit dyiK BUlo Awk nIm ko qUµmru ]
aucwrx plk: polw bolo
palak dhrisatt dhaekh bhoolo aak neem ko thoonmar ||
You are deceived, beholding with your eyes, the bitter melon and swallow-wort.
jYsw sMgu ibsIAr isau hY ry qYso hI iehu pr igRhu ]2]
jaisaa sang biseear sio hai rae thaiso hee eihu par grihu ||2||
But, like the companionship of a poisonous snake, so is the desire for another's spouse. ||2||
bYrI kwrix pwp krqw bsqu rhI Amwnw ]
bairee kaaran paap karathaa basath rehee amaanaa ||
For the sake of your enemy, you commit sins, while you neglect the reality of your faith.
Coif jwih iqnhI isau sµgI swjn isau bYrwnw ]3]
shhodd jaahi thin hee sio sangee saajan sio bairaanaa ||3||
Your friendship is with those who abandon you, and you are angry with your friends. ||3||
sgl sMswru iehY ibiD ibAwipE so aubirE ijsu guru pUrw ]
sagal sansaar eihai bidhh biaapiou so oubariou jis gur pooraa ||
The entire world is entangled in this way; he alone is saved, who has the Perfect Guru.
khu nwnk Bv swgru qirE Bey punIq srIrw ]4]5]127]
kahu naanak bhav saagar thariou bheae puneeth sareeraa ||4||5||127||
Says Nanak, I have crossed over the terrifying world-ocean; my body has become sanctified. ||4||5||127||