Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl
imiQAw sµig sµig lptwey moh mwieAw kir bwDy ]
aucwrx bwDy: ibMdI rihq bolo
mithhiaa sang sang lapattaaeae moh maaeiaa kar baadhhae ||
: They are attached to falsehood; clinging to the transitory, they are trapped in emotional attachment to Maya.
jh jwno so cIiq n AwvY AhµbuiD Bey AWDy ]1]
jeh jaano so cheeth n aavai ahanbudhh bheae aaandhhae ||1||
Wherever they go, they do not think of the Lord; they are blinded by intellectual egotism. ||1||
mn bYrwgI ikau n ArwDy ]
man bairaagee kio n araadhhae ||
O mind, O renunciate, why don't you adore Him?
kwc koTrI mwih qUµ bsqw sµig sgl ibKY kI ibAwDy ]1] rhwau ]
kaach kotharee maahi thoon basathaa sang sagal bikhai kee biaadhhae ||1|| rehaao ||
You dwell in that flimsy chamber, with all the sins of corruption. ||1||Pause||
myrI myrI krq idnu rYin ibhwvY plu iKnu CIjY ArjwDy ]
maeree maeree karath dhin rain bihaavai pal khin shheejai arajaadhhae ||
Crying out, “Mine, mine”, your days and nights pass away; moment by moment, your life is running out.
jYsy mITY swid loBwey JUT DµiD durgwDy ]2]
jaisae meethai saadh lobhaaeae jhooth dhhandhh dhuragaadhhae ||2||
The sweet flavors tempt you, and you are occupied by your false and filthy business. ||2||
kwm kRoD Aru loB moh ieh ieMdRI ris lptwDy ]
kaam krodhh ar lobh moh eih eindhree ras lapattaadhhae ||
Your senses are beguiled by sensual pleasures of sex, by anger, greed and emotional attachment.
dIeI BvwrI puriK ibDwqY bhuir bhuir jnmwDy ]3]
dheeee bhavaaree purakh bidhhaathai bahur bahur janamaadhhae ||3||
The All-powerful Architect of Destiny has ordained that you shall be reincarnated over and over again. ||3||
jau BieE ikRpwlu dIn duK Bµjnu qau gur imil sB suK lwDy ]
jo bhaeiou kirapaal dheen dhukh bhanjan tho gur mil sabh sukh laadhhae ||
When the Destroyer of the pains of the poor becomes merciful, then, as Gurmukh, you shall find absolute peace.
khu nwnk idnu rYin iDAwvau mwir kwFI sgl aupwDy ]4]
kahu naanak dhin rain dhhiaavo maar kaadtee sagal oupaadhhae ||4||
Says Nanak, meditate on the Lord, day and night, and all your sickness shall be banished. ||4||
ieau jipE BweI purKu ibDwqy ]
eio japiou bhaaee purakh bidhhaathae ||
Meditate in this way, O Siblings of Destiny, on the Lord, the Architect of Destiny.
BieE ikRpwlu dIn duK Bµjnu jnm mrx duK lwQy ]1] rhwau dUjw ]4]4]126]
aucwrx rhwau dUjw bolnw hY
bhaeiou kirapaal dheen dhukh bhanjan janam maran dhukh laathhae ||1|| rehaao dhoojaa ||4||4||126||
The Destroyer of the pains of the poor has become merciful; He has removed the pains of birth and death. ||1||Second Pause||4||4||126||