SGGSAng 257Raag GauriBavan Akhari Mahalla 59 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


nµnw nrik prih qy nwhI ]

nannaa narak parehi thae naahee ||

NANNA: Those whose minds and bodies are filled with the Naam,

jw kY min qin nwmu bswhI ]

jaa kai man than naam basaahee ||

The Name of the Lord, shall not fall into hell.

nwmu inDwnu gurmuiK jo jpqy ]

naam nidhhaan guramukh jo japathae ||

Those Gurmukhs who chant the treasure of the Naam,

ibKu mwieAw mih nw Eie Kpqy ]

aucwrx Kpqy: polw bolo

bikh maaeiaa mehi naa oue khapathae ||

Are not destroyed by the poison of Maya.

nµnwkwru n hoqw qw khu ]

nannaakaar n hothaa thaa kahu ||

Those who have been given the Mantra of the Naam by the Guru,

nwmu mMqRü guir dIno jw khu ]

aucwrx mMqRü: AONkV rwry nUµ lw ky

naam manthra gur dheeno jaa kahu ||

Shall not be turned away.

iniD inDwn hir AMimRq pUry ]

aucwrx in`iD

nidhh nidhhaan har anmrith poorae ||

They are filled and fulfilled with the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord, the Treasure of sublime wealth;

qh bwjy nwnk Anhd qUry ]36]

theh baajae naanak anehadh thoorae ||36||

O Nanak, the unstruck celestial melody vibrates for them. ||36||