SGGSAng 257Raag GauriBavan Akhari Mahalla 53 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji
sloku ]
salok ||
nwnk nwmu nwmu jpu jipAw AMqir bwhir rµig ]
naanak naam naam jap japiaa anthar baahar rang ||
O Nanak, one who chants the Naam, and meditates on the Naam with love inwardly and outwardly,
guir pUrY aupdyisAw nrku nwih swDsµig ]1]
gur poorai oupadhaesiaa narak naahi saadhhasang ||1||
Receives the Teachings from the Perfect Guru; he joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and does not fall into hell. ||1||