BYrau AstpdIAw mhlw 1 Gru 2
aucwrx BYrau Ast-pdIAw mh`lw pihlw Gru dUjw
bhairo asattapadheeaa mehalaa 1 ghar 2
Bhairao, Ashtapadees, First Mehl, Second House:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
Awqm mih rwmu rwm mih Awqmu cInis gur bIcwrw ]
aatham mehi raam raam mehi aatham cheenas gur beechaaraa ||
The Lord is in the soul, and the soul is in the Lord. This is realized through the Guru's Teachings.
AMimRq bwxI sbid pCwxI duK kwtY hau mwrw ]1]
anmrith baanee sabadh pashhaanee dhukh kaattai ho maaraa ||1||
The Ambrosial Word of the Guru's Bani is realized through the Word of the Shabad. Sorrow is dispelled, and egotism is eliminated. ||1||
nwnk haumY rog bury ]
naanak houmai rog burae ||
O Nanak, the disease of egotism is so very deadly.
jh dyKW qh eykw bydn Awpy bKsY sbid Dury ]1] rhwau ]
jeh dhaekhaan theh eaekaa baedhan aapae bakhasai sabadh dhhurae ||1|| rehaao ||
Wherever I look, I see the pain of the same disease. The Primal Lord Himself bestows the Shabad of His Word. ||1||Pause||
Awpy prKy prKxhwrY bhuir sUlwku n hoeI ]
aapae parakhae parakhanehaarai bahur soolaak n hoee ||
When the Appraiser Himself appraises the mortal, then he is not tested again.
ijn kau ndir BeI guir myly pRB Bwxw scu soeI ]2]
jin ko nadhar bhee gur maelae prabh bhaanaa sach soee ||2||
Those who are blessed with His Grace meet with the Guru. They alone are true, who are pleasing to God. ||2||
pauxu pwxI bYsµqru rogI rogI Driq sBogI ]
aucwrx s-BogI: 'B' dI ApnI Avwj
poun paanee baisanthar rogee rogee dhharath sabhogee ||
Air, water and fire are diseased; the world with its enjoyments is diseased.
mwq ipqw mwieAw dyh is rogI rogI kutµb sµjogI ]3]
maath pithaa maaeiaa dhaeh s rogee rogee kuttanb sanjogee ||3||
Mother, father, Maya and the body are diseased; those united with their relatives are diseased. ||3||
rogI bRhmw ibsnu srudRw rogI sgl sMswrw ]
aucwrx bRhmw: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo; s-rudRw
rogee brehamaa bisan sarudhraa rogee sagal sansaaraa ||
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are diseased; the whole world is diseased.
hir pdu cIin Bey sy mukqy gur kw sbdu vIcwrw ]4]
har padh cheen bheae sae mukathae gur kaa sabadh veechaaraa ||4||
Those who remember the Lord's Feet and contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad are liberated. ||4||
rogI swq smuMd sndIAw KMf pqwl is roig Bry ]
rogee saath samundh sanadheeaa khandd pathaal s rog bharae ||
The seven seas are diseased, along with the rivers; the continents and the nether regions of the underworlds are full of disease.
hir ky lok is swic suhyly srbI QweI ndir kry ]5]
har kae lok s saach suhaelae sarabee thhaaee nadhar karae ||5||
The people of the Lord dwell in Truth and peace; He blesses them with His Grace everywhere. ||5||
rogI Kt drsn ByKDwrI nwnw hTI Anykw ]
aucwrx nwnw: pihlw 'n' Bwrw krky
rogee khatt dharasan bhaekhadhhaaree naanaa hathee anaekaa ||
The six Shaastras are diseased, as are the many who follow the different religious orders.
byd kqyb krih kh bpury nh bUJih iek eykw ]6]
aucwrx bU`Jih
baedh kathaeb karehi keh bapurae neh boojhehi eik eaekaa ||6||
What can the poor Vedas and Bibles do? People do not understand the One and Only Lord. ||6||
imT rsu Kwie su roig BrIjY kMd mUil suKu nwhI ]
mith ras khaae s rog bhareejai kandh mool sukh naahee ||
Eating sweet treats, the mortal is filled with disease; he finds no peace at all.
nwmu ivswir clih An mwrig AMq kwil pCuqwhI ]7]
naam visaar chalehi an maarag anth kaal pashhuthaahee ||7||
Forgetting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, they walk on other paths, and at the very last moment, they regret and repent. ||7||
qIriQ BrmY rogu n CUtis piVAw bwdu ibbwdu BieAw ]
theerathh bharamai rog n shhoottas parriaa baadh bibaadh bhaeiaa ||
Wandering around at sacred shrines of pilgrimage, the mortal is not cured of his disease. Reading scripture, he gets involved in useless arguments.
duibDw rogu su AiDk vfyrw mwieAw kw muhqwju BieAw ]8]
aucwrx muh-qwju
dhubidhhaa rog s adhhik vaddaeraa maaeiaa kaa muhathaaj bhaeiaa ||8||
The disease of duality is so very deadly; it causes dependence on Maya. ||8||
gurmuiK swcw sbid slwhY min swcw iqsu rogu gieAw ]
guramukh saachaa sabadh salaahai man saachaa this rog gaeiaa ||
One who becomes Gurmukh and praises the True Shabad with the True Lord in his mind is cured of his disease.
nwnk hirjn Anidnu inrml ijn kau krim nIswxu pieAw ]9]1]
naanak har jan anadhin niramal jin ko karam neesaan paeiaa ||9||1||
O Nanak, the humble servant of the Lord is immaculate, night and day; he bears the insignia of the Lord's Grace. ||9||1||