BYrau mhlw 3 Gru 2
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw qIjw Gru dUjw
bhairo mehalaa 3 ghar 2
Bhairao, Third Mehl, Second House:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
iqin krqY ieku clqu aupwieAw ]
thin karathai eik chalath oupaaeiaa ||
The Creator has staged His Wondrous Play.
Anhd bwxI sbdu suxwieAw ]
anehadh baanee sabadh sunaaeiaa ||
I listen to the Unstruck Sound-current of the Shabad, and the Bani of His Word.
mnmuiK BUly gurmuiK buJwieAw ]
aucwrx bu`JwieAw
manamukh bhoolae guramukh bujhaaeiaa ||
The self-willed manmukhs are deluded and confused, while the Gurmukhs understand.
kwrxu krqw krdw AwieAw ]1]
kaaran karathaa karadhaa aaeiaa ||1||
The Creator creates the Cause that causes. ||1||
gur kw sbdu myrY AMqir iDAwnu ]
gur kaa sabadh maerai anthar dhhiaan ||
Deep within my being, I meditate on the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
hau kbhu n Cofau hir kw nwmu ]1] rhwau ]
ho kabahu n shhoddo har kaa naam ||1|| rehaao ||
I shall never forsake the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||
ipqw pRhlwdu pVx pTwieAw ]
pithaa prehalaadh parran pathaaeiaa ||
Prahlaad's father sent him to school, to learn to read.
lY pwtI pwDy kY AwieAw ]
lai paattee paadhhae kai aaeiaa ||
He took his writing tablet and went to the teacher.
nwm ibnw nh pVau Acwr ]
naam binaa neh parro achaar ||
He said, “I shall not read anything except the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
myrI ptIAw iliK dyhu goibMd murwir ]2]
aucwrx ptIAw: polw bolo
maeree patteeaa likh dhaehu gobindh muraar ||2||
Write the Lord's Name on my tablet.”||2||
puqR pRihlwd isau kihAw mwie ]
puthr prehilaadh sio kehiaa maae ||
Prahlaad's mother said to her son,
privriq n pVhu rhI smJwie ]
aucwrx pr-ivriq
paravirath n parrahu rehee samajhaae ||
“I advise you not to read anything except what you are taught.”
inrBau dwqw hir jIau myrY nwil ]
nirabho dhaathaa har jeeo maerai naal ||
He answered, “The Great Giver, my Fearless Lord God is always with me.
jy hir Cofau qau kuil lwgY gwil ]3]
jae har shhoddo tho kul laagai gaal ||3||
If I were to forsake the Lord, then my family would be disgraced.”||3||
pRhlwid siB cwtVy ivgwry ]
prehalaadh sabh chaattarrae vigaarae ||
“Prahlaad has corrupted all the other students.
hmwrw kihAw n suxY Awpxy kwrj svwry ]
hamaaraa kehiaa n sunai aapanae kaaraj savaarae ||
He does not listen to what I say, and he does his own thing.
sB ngrI mih Bgiq idRVweI ]
sabh nagaree mehi bhagath dhrirraaee ||
He instigated devotional worship in the townspeople.”
dust sBw kw ikCu n vsweI ]4]
aucwrx sBw: polw bolo
dhusatt sabhaa kaa kishh n vasaaee ||4||
The gathering of the wicked people could not do anything against him. ||4||
sµfY mrkY kIeI pUkwr ]
aucwrx sµfY: polw bolo; mrkY: polw bolo
sanddai marakai keeee pookaar ||
Sanda and Marka, his teachers, made the complaint.
sBy dYq rhy JK mwir ]
aucwrx s`By
sabhae dhaith rehae jhakh maar ||
All the demons kept trying in vain.
Bgq jnw kI piq rwKY soeI ]
bhagath janaa kee path raakhai soee ||
The Lord protected His humble devotee, and preserved his honor.
kIqy kY kihAY ikAw hoeI ]5]
keethae kai kehiai kiaa hoee ||5||
What can be done by mere created beings? ||5||
ikrq sµjogI dYiq rwju clwieAw ]
kirath sanjogee dhaith raaj chalaaeiaa ||
Because of his past karma, the demon ruled over his kingdom.
hir n bUJY iqin Awip BulwieAw ]
aucwrx bU`JY
har n boojhai thin aap bhulaaeiaa ||
He did not realize the Lord; the Lord Himself confused him.
puqR pRhlwd isau vwdu rcwieAw ]
puthr prehalaadh sio vaadh rachaaeiaa ||
He started an argument with his son Prahlaad.
AMDw n bUJY kwlu nyVY AwieAw ]6]
aucwrx bU`JY
andhhaa n boojhai kaal naerrai aaeiaa ||6||
The blind one did not understand that his death was approaching. ||6||
pRhlwdu koTy ivic rwiKAw bwir dIAw qwlw ]
aucwrx qwlw: polw bolo
prehalaadh kothae vich raakhiaa baar dheeaa thaalaa ||
Prahlaad was placed in a cell, and the door was locked.
inrBau bwlku mUil n freI myrY AMqir gur gopwlw ]
aucwrx gopwlw: Bwrw krky bolo
nirabho baalak mool n ddaree maerai anthar gur gopaalaa ||
The fearless child was not afraid at all. He said, “Within my being, is the Guru, the Lord of the World.”
kIqw hovY srIkI krY Anhodw nwau DrwieAw ]
keethaa hovai sareekee karai anehodhaa naao dhharaaeiaa ||
The created being tried to compete with his Creator, but he assumed this name in vain.
jo Duir iliKAw suo Awie phuqw jn isau vwdu rcwieAw ]7]
aucwrx sou: su boloo; phuqw: polw bolo (ASuD: phu`qw)
jo dhhur likhiaa suo aae pahuthaa jan sio vaadh rachaaeiaa ||7||
That which was predestined for him has come to pass; he started an argument with the Lord's humble servant. ||7||
ipqw pRhlwd isau gurj auTweI ]
pithaa prehalaadh sio guraj outhaaee ||
The father raised the club to strike down Prahlaad, saying,
khW qum@wrw jgdIs gusweI ]
kehaan thumhaaraa jagadhees gusaaee ||
“Where is your God, the Lord of the Universe, now?”
jgjIvnu dwqw AMiq sKweI ]
jagajeevan dhaathaa anth sakhaaee ||
He replied, “The Life of the World, the Great Giver, is my Help and Support in the end.
jh dyKw qh rihAw smweI ]8]
jeh dhaekhaa theh rehiaa samaaee ||8||
Wherever I look, I see Him permeating and prevailing.”||8||
Qµmu aupwiV hir Awpu idKwieAw ]
thhanmha oupaarr har aap dhikhaaeiaa ||
Tearing down the pillars, the Lord Himself appeared.
AhµkwrI dYqu mwir pcwieAw ]
ahankaaree dhaith maar pachaaeiaa ||
The egotistical demon was killed and destroyed.
Bgqw min Awnµdu vjI vDweI ]
aucwrx v`jI
bhagathaa man aanandh vajee vadhhaaee ||
The minds of the devotees were filled with bliss, and congratulations poured in.
Apny syvk kau dy vifAweI ]9]
apanae saevak ko dhae vaddiaaee ||9||
He blessed His servant with glorious greatness. ||9||
jµmxu mrxw mohu aupwieAw ]
janman maranaa mohu oupaaeiaa ||
He created birth, death and attachment.
Awvxu jwxw krqY iliK pwieAw ]
aavan jaanaa karathai likh paaeiaa ||
The Creator has ordained coming and going in reincarnation.
pRhlwd kY kwrij hir Awpu idKwieAw ]
prehalaadh kai kaaraj har aap dhikhaaeiaa ||
For the sake of Prahlaad, the Lord Himself appeared.
Bgqw kw bolu AwgY AwieAw ]10]
bhagathaa kaa bol aagai aaeiaa ||10||
The word of the devotee came true. ||10||
dyv kulI liKmI kau krih jYkwru ]
dhaev kulee lakhimee ko karehi jaikaar ||
The gods proclaimed the victory of Lakshmi, and said,
mwqw nrisMG kw rUpu invwru ]
maathaa narasingh kaa roop nivaar ||
“O mother, make this form of the Man-lion disappear!”
liKmI Bau krY n swkY jwie ]
lakhimee bho karai n saakai jaae ||
Lakshmi was afraid, and did not approach.
pRhlwdu jnu crxI lwgw Awie ]11]
prehalaadh jan charanee laagaa aae ||11||
The humble servant Prahlaad came and fell at the Lord's Feet. ||11||
siqguir nwmu inDwnu idRVwieAw ]
sathigur naam nidhhaan dhrirraaeiaa ||
The True Guru implanted the treasure of the Naam within.
rwju mwlu JUTI sB mwieAw ]
raaj maal jhoothee sabh maaeiaa ||
Power, property and all Maya is false.
loBI nr rhy lptwie ]
lobhee nar rehae lapattaae ||
But still, the greedy people continue clinging to them.
hir ky nwm ibnu drgh imlY sjwie ]12]
har kae naam bin dharageh milai sajaae ||12||
Without the Name of the Lord, the mortals are punished in His Court. ||12||
khY nwnku sBu ko kry krwieAw ]
kehai naanak sabh ko karae karaaeiaa ||
Says Nanak, everyone acts as the Lord makes them act.
sy prvwxu ijnI hir isau icqu lwieAw ]
sae paravaan jinee har sio chith laaeiaa ||
They alone are approved and accepted, who focus their consciousness on the Lord.
Bgqw kw AMgIkwru krdw AwieAw ]
bhagathaa kaa angeekaar karadhaa aaeiaa ||
He has made His devotees His Own.
krqY Apxw rUpu idKwieAw ]13]1]2]
karathai apanaa roop dhikhaaeiaa ||13||1||2||
The Creator has appeared in His Own Form. ||13||1||2||