mÚ 3 ]
aucwrx mh`lw qIjw
ma 3 ||
Third Mehl:
mnu mwxku ijin priKAw gur sbdI vIcwir ]
man maanak jin parakhiaa gur sabadhee veechaar ||
Some assay their mind-jewel, and contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
sy jn ivrly jwxIAih kljug ivic sµswir ]
sae jan viralae jaaneeahi kalajug vich sansaar ||
Only a few of those humble beings are known in this world, in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga.
AwpY no Awpu imil rihAw haumY duibDw mwir ]
aapai no aap mil rehiaa houmai dhubidhhaa maar ||
One's self remains blended with the Lord's Self, when egotism and duality are conquered.
nwnk nwim rqy duqru qry Baujlu ibKmu sMswru ]2]
aucwrx r`qy
naanak naam rathae dhuthar tharae bhoujal bikham sansaar ||2||
O Nanak, those who are imbued with the Naam cross over the difficult, treacherous and terrifying world-ocean. ||2||